Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Islamic Extremists Essay Essays
Islamic Extremists Essay Essays Islamic Extremists Essay Essay Islamic Extremists Essay Essay About everyone has heard about Islam and the Arab universe. In add-on. many states have already faced issues with the Muslim trusters. Islam has caused jobs. terrorist onslaughts. anti-democracy all over the universe. They were besides really successful in directing a message of who they genuinely are. Peoples who are literally obedient to the Islamic religion are called Islamic Extremists. People. who are of the Islamic religion nevertheless desire to last in peace without trials are non considered obedient or dutiful to the Islamic religion. these people are called moderate Muslims. Therefore. the Islamic spiritual extremists are the major group in Islam who follow the Qur’an word for word and create utmost force that moderate Moslems do non. Muslim extremism started in Egypt in the late twentiess. During the inter-war old ages. the state was occupied by the British military. The Nationalist Wafd motion. led by Saad Zaghloul. opposed the presence of t he British. as would anyone whose state is being occupied by a foreign military power. ( A brief history of Islamic extremism ) In 1928. Hassan al-Banna established the term â€Å"The Muslim Brotherhood†which was the first Islamist motion. The British authorities supported the nascent motion in an effort to compensate the Nationalists. In modern Egyptian political relations. the Muslim Brotherhood is the largest resistance party to Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party. Mubarak has been in power since the blackwash of Anwar Sadat in 1981. The Muslim Brotherhood has ever been illegal. and. over the old ages. 1000s of its members have been imprisoned by the Egyptian authorities. ( A brief history of Islamic extremism ) The political orientation of the early Brotherhood is really similar to that of Islamist groups today – they denounced the Egyptian authorities as secular and regarded Egyptian society in footings of â€Å"jahaliya†or a barbarian. pre-Islamic society non based on Islamic shari’a jurisprudence. Sayyed Qutb. an Egyptian rational associated with the Muslim Br otherhood. wrote a book called Ma’alim fil Tariq ( â€Å"Signposts on the Road†) . which proved to be extremely influential on the thought of modern Islamists. Qutb wrote the book in 1964 while in prison ; 2 old ages subsequently he was executed by hanging. ( A brief history of Islamic extremism ) In the late seventiess. the CIA financed and trained the mujahidin ( â€Å"Holy Warriors†) in order to contend a proxy war with the Soviet ground forces. which had invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Training. support and the proviso of weaponries to the mujahidin was carried out covertly via Pakistan and Saudi Arabia ; one of the alleged â€Å"Afghan Arabs†who was trained by the U. S. was a immature adult male called Osama bin Laden. ( A brief history of Islamic extremism ) In the recent old ages. Bangladesh was suspected of going a oasis and genteelness land for Islamic terrorist groups with links to Al-Qaida. Domestic Islamic extremist groups are said to funnel Al-Qaida money. weaponries. and combatants through the state. In March 1999. IOJ president Amini told a public meeting: â€Å"We are for Osama [ bin Ladin ] . we are for the Taliban. and we will be in authorities in 2000 through an Islamic revolution. †( Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein. B. ) Bangladeshi support for Osama bin Ladin and Al-Qaida rose following the September 11 onslaughts and the subsequent American assault on the Taliban in Afghanistan. The U. S. conveyed its displeasure with Dhaka’s failure to squelch anti-American. pro-Osama bin Ladin rallies in the aftermath of the American onslaught on Afghanistan. In November 2001. IOJ’s Amini said: â€Å"Osama bin Ladin is loved by the Bangladeshi people. Everyone respects him and considers him to be a leader of Muslims. †( Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein. B. ) The political features of Islam are derived from the Qur’an. the Sunna ( the expressions and populating wonts of Muhammad ) . Muslim history. and sometimes elements of political motions outside Islam. Out of the Muslim Brotherhood. late derived a group called The Muslim Salafeyeen. The Salafeyeen act laughably much worse than the Muslim Brotherhood. They have the same outlook as the Muslim Brotherhood ; nevertheless. they go even beyond the outlooks of the Quran’s instructions. For illustration the Muslim Brotherhood has the word political relations in their lexicon. which means they can hold political relationships with the westerners but that is to utilize their aid for their ain good. such as Saudi Arabia. They besides base and implement the jurisprudence of the Qur’an on the people. On the flipside. the Salafeyeen do non hold the word political relations in their lexicon and the manner they communicate is through terrible force even on their ain people. For illustration their regulation goes as follows: stealers must hold their custodies cut off. a curser’s lingua must be cut off. an extramarital must be killed with the border of the blade. and so on with all the evildoers. Their judgements are pretty utmost. They presently have a little group in Egypt. There is no research found about them yet. nevertheless information has been spread through word of oral cavity and people’s experiences in the recent yearss in Egypt. The Salafeyeen have been around and they are really few still. It is non long until the malignant neoplastic disease is spread everyplace. Numerous terrorist folks have finally been spread all over the universe. The Muslim Brotherhood has created a private group in each state who follow their program. Therefore. every so frequently. the state receives intelligence about happening desolations they have caused. Since the Muslim Brotherhood considers force is the lone method to distribute or enforce their faith on many states. they had specifically chosen the United States of America to execute their force onslaughts. The United States is presently considered the most powerful state in the universe. If they had specifically chosen the United States. their end is so revealed. The Muslim Brotherhood’s aspiration is to achieve the power of the United States and govern it. If they conquer this power. they most probably conquered the universe. It is non hard for anyone to calculate this expounding. The terrorist onslaught that occurred in September eleventh of two 1000 and one was chiefly the first onslaught the caught t he world’s consciousness. Prior to that. the state was familiar about Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood ; nevertheless they did non hold adequate cognition in respects of whom they genuinely are. Throughout the old ages. the Muslim Brotherhood has determined that terrorist act would be the lone method used to pass on with the universe. They have successfully sent out messages about their ends. which are to restrict the universe in instruction. political positions. democratic positions. etc. For illustration. the Islamic beliefs strain a adult female of her basic rights. A adult female is non allowed to travel to school for instruction. Harmonizing to the Shahih Bukhari 1. 6. 301. Volume 1. Book 6. Number 301: Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Once Allah’s Apostle went out to the Musalla ( to offer the supplication ) o ‘Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr supplication. Then he passed by the adult females and said. â€Å"O adult females! Give alms. as I have seen that the bulk of the inhabitants of Hell-fire were you ( adult females ) . †They asked. â€Å"Why is it so. O Allah’s Apostle? †He replied. â€Å"I have non seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and faith than you. A cautious reasonable adult male could be led astray by some of you. †The adult females asked. â€Å"O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and faith? †He said. â€Å"Is non the grounds of two adult females equal to the informant of one adult male? †They replied in the affirmatory. He said. â€Å"This is the lack in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a adult female can neither pray nor fast during her menstruations? †The adult females replied in the affirmatory. He said. â€Å"This is the lack in her faith. †Their outlook is really limited in statements every bit good. Their beliefs are against freedom of address. faith. look. even the Internet because it allows statements. cognition. and instruction and largely everything that has to make with the human rights. All of their statements must travel back to the Shari’a ( jurisprudence ) of Islam. which prevents all these rights. The Shari’a of Islam calls for work forces to crush their married womans. Harmonizing to 004. 034 YUSUFALI: Work force are the defenders and upholders of adult females. because Allah has given the one more ( strength ) than the other. and because they support them from their agencies. Therefore the righteous adult females are piously obedient. and guard in ( the husband’s ) absence what Allah would hold them guard. As to those adult females on whose portion ye fright disloyalty and ill-conduct. warn them ( foremost ) . ( Following ) . garbage to portion their beds. ( And last ) beat them ; but if they return to obedience. seek non against them Means ( of irritation ) . This type of outlook creates a force animalistic society. Peoples develop these violent accomplishments through the enforcement of such Torahs which leads to terrorist act. Imagine there is deficiency of instruction. freedom of statements. address. look. faith. anti-democracy etc. how will anyone be able to larn. be just. balanced in ideas. unprejudiced or even survive in peace? It is surely impractical. Therefore. to get the better of the outlook of terrorist act. the state must understand what Islam and the Qur’an truly Teachs Islamists. Some of the Qur’an’s instructions are largely about the heathens ( disbelievers ) and how all of them will stop up in Hell. Harmonizing to the instructions of the Qurâ€⠄¢an verses freely and blithely references: Make non take disbelievers as friends ; cautiousness is necessary to befriend the unbelievers†¦3:28. It is non honorable to take disbelievers as friends†¦4:139. Make non take disbelievers as friends†¦4:144. Believers are non to take the Jews and Christians as friends and defenders ; if any truster ( i. e. Muslim ) turns to them so he besides becomes a Jew or a Christian†¦5:51. Real friends are God. His apostle ( Muhammad ) and the family of pious and charitable believers†¦5:55. God’s wrath and tortures is for befriending the unbelievers†¦5:80. Whoever seeks the friendly relationship of evil people will be lead to the punishment of fire†¦22:3. Can non be on footings of secret familiarity or be friendly with the enemies of faith †¦60:1. This is the really ain words of Qur’an that Islamists follow. Some Islamists who live in the West will even knock their folks for purchasing a bantam Christmas tree merely for the small kids or even for go toing Christmas parties. They will even travel a measure further in declaring that the westerners must larn from them ( the Muslim migrators ) and non the other man ner around. At this clip. since the Qur’an neer called for peace. it is apprehensible why those Islamists act the manner they do. The supreme fury of the Islamists is reserved for the manner the western adult females frock. work and lives. Many Muslim adult females are deviously forced to have on hijab merely to show to the heathen adult females the superior celibacy of Muslim adult females. Ten old ages ago. it was rare to happen a hijabi adult female in any streets of Europe or the U. S. The state of affairs is rather different now. Any rail-station. shopping centre. eating stall. college. university. etc. . will on a regular basis detect a hijabi adult female standing nearby. Many Islamists openly declare that all Muslim adult females must cover themselves in ( ugly ) hijab and cloak no affair what others may believe of them. This is because these Muslim adult females will go the shining illustrations or beacon of muliebrity. celibacy. and Islamic beauty to the infidel adult females and they ( the heathen adult females ) will finally follow the Muslim adult females and merrily wear the Muslim attire. These Islamists are perfectly certain that these infidel adult females will one twenty-four hours. certainly be cover ed by Islamic hijab. Why? Because. Allah has ordained it-one twenty-four hours the full universe will go an Ummah ( Islamic community ) of some kind. They have no uncertainty on this. At this point. it is apprehensible why Islamic extremists commit their terrorist act onslaughts. Their end is to distribute and implement Islam in the whole universe. Research has proved through the really ain words of Qur’an and Hadith. action has proved it through terrorist act onslaughts of the heathens ( disbelievers ) . and their daily modus operandi dressing up in the Muslim attire. Many will reason it is non a job if their faith inquires their adult females to dress and look that manner. They are partly right. merely if their intent is to dress that manner and nil more. However based on research. even modern Islamists are called Islamists because they believe in Islamic Shari’a and jurisprudence. They have an thought of what Islam is approximately and if they still call themselves Muslims. they are considered under the same class of faith. They have partly the same ideas ; they may non be interested in slaying. nevertheless they will neer take a westerner as a friend. unless the westerner becomes a Muslim. This type of thought is non in any manner good for a modern society. In a modern society. it encourages one to look. act. and think in a certain manner. This manner is non to implement negative ideas. beliefs on anyone. It is to promote instruction. positive ideas. and the playing of professionalism with one another. The best method in making a solution for the universe is to understand that Islam is now spread in many topographic points. Islam has become a whole outlook that people follow non reasonably a faith. Islam presently starts in early phases of humans’ lives. A kid is raised up having hatred and all types of negative ideas. which subsequently develops in his/her nucleus. Therefore. terrorist act is neer stoping ; in fact it improves by the yearss. At this clip. there is no manner around to stop terrorist act. but there are ways to do it less happening in the universe. Educating people. and young person on how terrorist act started. and how the universe perceives it as a negative act will assist them understand the construct of terrorist act. Besides through instruction. people will hold the demand to protect their state and support it. No 1 is willing to populate in a state that is controlled by terrorists. Neither will anyone be willing to restrict their ideas. look. instruction. freedom of worship. or personal determinations. In decision. Muslim extremists have attempted to enforce their spiritual beliefs on the universe. This happens through their violent onslaughts about in every western state. The lone method to halt this force is to let people to understand the true significance of Islam. This is to educate people about Islam and Muslim extremists in the early phases of life. It is besides indispensable to assist the state larn how the modern Muslims differ from those extremists. Through instruction. a solution can come into position on how we can stop these bloody violent folk. Even if it takes clip. months and old ages. it can still take a major affect on the long tally. MentionsBas. N. J. ( 2004 ) . Wahhabi Muslimism: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad. Oxford: Oxford University Press. USA. Bukha?ri? . M. I. ( 1981 ) . Shahih Bukhari. Jakarta: Penerbit Widjaya. Darwish. N. ( 2006 ) . Now they call me heathen: why I renounced jehad for America. Israel. and the War on Terror. New York. N. Y. : Sentinel. Jonas. G. ( 2007 ) . Contemplations on Islam: thoughts. sentiments. statements. Toronto: Key Porter Books. Katel. P. ( 2010 ) . HomegrownJihadists: can Muslim terrorists in the U. S. mount serious onslaughts? . Washington. DC: Congressional Quarterly. The Big Think Tank: A brief history of Islamic extremism. ( 2006. April 25 ) . The Big Think Tank. Retrieved April 6. 2011. from hypertext transfer protocol: //thebigthinktank. blogspot. com/2006/04/brief-history-of-islamic-extremism. hypertext markup language Quran Shariff. ( 1978 ) . S. l. : [ s. n. ] . Yuan. M. ( 2005 ) . Womans in Islam. Detroit: Greenhaven Press/Thomson-Gale. YouTube – 2 twelvemonth old Muslim Girl replies Questions on Islam. ( n. d. ) . YouTube – Broadcast Yourself. Retrieved April 20. 2011. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=8Tfh2PnvTnY A ; feature=related Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein. B. ( 2007. January 10 ) . Muslim Extremism and Terrorism in Bangladesh-American Jewish Committee. Home-American Judaic Committee. Retrieved April 7. 2011. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ajc. org/site/apps/nlnet/content3. aspx? c=ijITI2PHKoG A ; b=3133321 A ; ct=
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