Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Role Of Human Resource Management And Operations
Air Transport Management and Operations Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Principles of management 2.1 – Planning 2.2 – Organizing/controlling 2.3 – staffing 2.4 – controlling 2.5 – Management in Airline Industry 3.0 Human Resource Management 3.1 - History of Human Resource Management 3.2 - HRM vs PM 3.3 - Abraham Maslow’s theory 3-4 - HRM in Singapore Airlines 4.0 ICAO/CAA’s relevance in Security and Safety at UK Airports 4.1 – ICAO/CAA definistions 4.2 - Runway Incursions 4.3 – Birdstrikes 4.4 – Poor Weather 4.5 – Public safety Zones 5.0 Conclusion 6.0 - References This report will evaluate and identify the functions of management and its relation to the airlines and airports. Subsequently it will analyze and assess the role of human resource managers and evaluate their role in the airline industry. It will also identify and explain the importance of ICAO and the CAA in relation to UK airport safety and security measures The art of getting things done through people is how Mary Parker Follett described management. All organizations are based on cooperation to achieve a final goal and if there is a team of people working together management is necessary. It allows better results, being more efficient, get more profit, take better decisions and its importanceShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management Principles For A Profitable Professional Service Organizations865 Words  | 4 Pagesuse management principles to maximize profitability. The importance of management principles include; â€Å"improves understanding, direction for training of manager, role of management and guide to research in management†(MSG Management Study Guide., 2015). 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Border Security Using Wireless Integrated Network Sensors
A Technical Seminar Report On WIRELESS INTEGRATED NETWORK SENSORS Submitted to the JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY In ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING By D.VINEETH KUMAR (09B91A0414) SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS-TECHNICAL CAMPUS (Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad) Ibrahimpatanam, RangaReddy District -501506 2012-2013 GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the technical seminar report on â€Å"Wireless†¦show more content†¦This sensed signal is then converted into power spectral density and the compared with reference value of our convenience. Accordingly the compared value is processed using a microprocessor, which sends appropriate signals to the main node. Thus the stranger is identified at the main node. A series of interface, signal processing, and communication systems have been implemented in micro power CMOS circuits. A micro power spectrum analyzer has been developed to enable low power operation of the entire WINS system. Thus WINS require a Microwatt of power. But it is very cheaper when compared to other security systems such as RADAR under use. It is even used for short distance communication less than 1 Km. It produces a less amount of delay. Hence it is reasonably faster. On a global scale, WINS will permit monitoring of land, water, and air resources for environmental monitoring. On a n ational scale, transportation systems, and borders will be monitored for efficiency, safety, and security. Wireless Integrated Network Sensors (WINS) combine sensing, signal processing, decision capability, and wireless networking capability in a compact, low power system. Compact geometry and low cost allows WINS to be embedded and distributed at a small fraction of the cost of conventional wire line sensor and actuator systems. On a local, wide-area scale, battlefield situational awareness will provide personnel health monitoring and enhance security and efficiency. Also,Show MoreRelatedCyber Physical Networked Systems ( Cpns )1075 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract: In Cyber-Physical Networked Systems (CPNS), the antagonist can inject false measurements into the controller through compromised sensor nodes, which not only threaten the security of the system, but also consume network resources. To deal with this issue, a number of en-route filtering schemes have been designed for wireless sensor networks. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Should the Government Regulate Our Health Free Essays
Should The Government Regulate Our Health? Posted: 01/29/10 10:58 AM ET Get Healthy Living Alerts Sign Up Submit this story I was in my late 20’s when I walked into a dialysis clinic for the first time. The interior of the waiting area was worn, with beige paint peeling off of the walls. As I waited awkwardly to find out where my patient was my attention was drawn to a sign that read, â€Å"Did you know that [a popular fast food sandwich] contains 1020 milligrams of sodium? †Salt can be bad. We will write a custom essay sample on Should the Government Regulate Our Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now But it sure tastes good. Ask the millions of Americans who consume large amounts of salt in their diet, much of it from processed foods. Sodium consumption in excess is linked with a number of health problems, including high blood pressure, kidney disease and various forms of heart disease. New Yorkers have recently learned about the detriments of salt. Mayor Bloomberg has launched an initiative to reduce the amount of sodium that people get from restaurant chains and food producers by asking them to voluntarily cut the amount of this now ill-thought of mineral. When in New York City a couple of weeks ago, my husband and I could tell that restaurateurs are listening to Bloomberg. When eating out, we noticed that our food was, well, less tasty. But maybe it is worth it. A recent New York Times article, which summarized findings from The New England Journal of Medicine, suggested that if Americans reduced salt intake by a half a teaspoon a day the nation would save 24 billion in health care costs. In the current political climate, many of us are acutely aware of issues related to the rising costs of health care. But is government intervention the best way to proceed? Although a government middleman might be a good option, I wonder why we aren’t putting more pressure on physicians to counsel their patients on dietary strategies to reduce sodium intake. Research suggests that American physicians are less likely than their European counterparts to discuss behavioral interventions with patients and are more likely to rely on the prescribing of medications. Regarding diet and hypertension, a recent study suggests that physicians offer little counseling on how to lower blood pressure numbers through lifestyle changes. Not only do discussions regarding health behaviors result in patient satisfaction, such discussions comprise the inherent values of doctor-patient relationships. We seek medical care not only for lab results and prescription refills; we look to our doctors for advice and support. However, in a day and age in which technology and insurance mandates are interlopers in the patient-physician dyad, we have lost the personal connections and source of wisdom that people often crave. In fact, the relationship between many of us and our physicians is dysfunctional. Doctors are overwhelmed and receive less respect than ever before in the history of modern medicine. As patients, we have submitted ourselves to the less personal nature of medical encounters. Maybe if we demand additional support from physicians (and advocate for additional backing of our doctors regarding the freedom to make medical decisions and limiting intrusion by managed care companies) we can get what we need in order to change our behaviors. Of course, we are all ultimately responsible in how we choose to care for our bodies. But maybe if we can learn to trust our physicians again (and they work to earn that trust), we don’t have to reduce healthcare issues and healthcare costs in this country to something like eating salt. Greenburg, T. (2010, Jan 29). www. huffingtonpost. com. Retrieved from http:// www. huffingtonpost. com/tamara-mcclintock-greenberg/should-the-government-reg_b_441493. html (Greenburg, 2010) How to cite Should the Government Regulate Our Health, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
No Angel free essay sample
Grief is individual because everyone handles his or her sorrows differently. No one wants to be alone and therefore to loose someone you love can be tremendously painful and difficult to overcome. On the one hand you want to get liberated from the pain and loss. You try to compensate from it by forgetting. Others want to keep the memory of the ones they have lost, because they fear the loneliness, and thereby find it challenging letting them go because death is so hard to accept. That is the reason why people find other ways to keep the memory of a lost person, like pretending they see the dead as ghosts or angels. This paradox and theme is presented in the short story ‘’No Angel,’’ written by Bernie McGill in 2010, where our main character deals with the loneliness and grief. The short story is told in first person narrative in a limited point of view. We will write a custom essay sample on No Angel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We see the events through our main characters eyes, who’s name we are not told, which gives us a specific and circumstantial information about her thoughts. The disadvantage of this kind of narration is that we only get one point of view and thereby the main character can be essentially unreliable, and important information and happenings can be omitted from the story, but in this case it has no influence on the plot because of the composition in this short story. The composition is jumping in time with flashbacks and flash-forwards. Some of the telling is streams of consciousness, and for that reason the chronological order has been unregulated. As an extension of this, the author tributes the short story in media res, where the story starts in an important and pivotal event. In this first event, which is a flash back in time, our main character is meeting her father for the first time after his death. Here he appears in the bathroom small talking with the main character. The specified and detailed description of the father tells us that the daughter knows everything about her father, from top to toe. Thereby it tells that she was very close to him and to substantiate it ‘’I looked at him, at the thin white hair curling at the back of his neck [†¦] the earth under his fingernails. ’’ Subsequently we jump immediately into another flashback, which is very characteristic for a short story to do. In this passage we learn a little more about our main characters family, which includes the mother, brother, father and daughter. This event also indicates the importance of flashbacks and jumping in time, because it gives an overall picture of the themes, the message and the characters in the short story, but also it intensify the excitement and interest which leads to the climax in the last subsection of the telling. The gallery of characters is heavily increased. We hear about the main character’s brother, Robbie, who is very confident but impudent, a character the protagonist admires in a way, because of her introspectiveness. Then there is her boyfriend, later on ex-boyfriend, Thomas, who also has a very strong-willed and confident personality as seen in this quote ‘’I think it was Thomas’s confidence I fell for. [†¦] If I’m honest, he reminded me of Robbie. ’’ The protagonist is very drawn by this trait of character the two men are in possession of because she is just the opposite, insecure and depended. Also we hear about the mother, but physically it is only the father and the main character herself, who appears in the story. Both her brother, mother and father are dead excluding Thomas. The characters are described implicit based on their actions through the main characters point of view. The main character appears like a very lonely person, and the only one she is in contact with, after the breakup with Thomas, is the ghost of her father, who is most certain a hallucination. We do not directly receive the information that the main character is lonely but from the fact that she has lost hole her family and she sees her dead father, indicates that she misses her family and needs someone to talk to, and maybe is experiencing some sort of depression or worse a psychological illness. The supernatural happenings are connected with the composition. The father’s ghost is appearing in almost every section. He shows up unpredictable but she is not scared or confused by his appearing. In the middle of the story the main character is asking her father, ‘’Daddy, do you ever see†¦? ‘’ but unfortunately he vanishes before she gets to ask him. By this she is referring to the rest of her family, which confirms her missing the rest of the family. Even though she has spent more or less twenty years alone with her father and it seems like the loss do not affect her much she is devastated, which leads us to the last episode of the short story. Here the protagonist sees her father for the last time, and he has brought her brother and mother with him. This gives the main character some sort of clarification and thereby tells her father, ‘’will you leave me alone now? ’’ With this she means that she is ready to let go of her family and live on. With the word ‘’you,’’ she could easily refer to the ‘’grief’’ and ‘’pain’’ she is feeling, and thereby asking if it is okay to let these feelings go. She needs her family because of her insecurities and dependence, which is why she is holding on to the memory of her father and therefore sees him everywhere. By saying the sentence ‘’will you leave me alone now,’’ she also shows a very independed and resolute person and thereby shows a great development, which is very typical in this genre. This leads us to the title ‘’No Angel. ’’ First of all it refers to these supernatural happenings in the short story, second of all the title indicates the theme, to get over your sorrows, and the dilemma between forgetting or remembering the lost ones. Also this sentence tell us something about the title, ‘’you know where we are. ’’ It tells that our protagonist does not want to admit that her family is dead, but when she sees them all in the theatre, she let them go and let them be the angels watching over her from heaven, and thereby moves on. To loose someone is the most difficult thing in life. Some wants to forget, when others want to remember. Some might fail in both. But one thing is certain; you must move on and continue your life. Time heals all wounds. We are born to die and people around us will sooner or later pass away. Therefore we have to love and cherish our beloved ones when they are around because one day we might loose them. We have to remember them but also overcome the pain in our hearts. No angel free essay sample Losing a close relative is something no one is ever really prepared for. It is as well different from individual to individual how you react to the loss of a dear one. On the one hand, you would like to remember them and still let them be a part of your life but on the other hand, you have to move on for the sake of yourself. Living in the past has never proved useful. Many experience this dilemma thus many struggle to decide when the time is to return to the daily life and continue living. This is a painful time Sometimes, the loss of beloved ones can be so heartbreaking that you might still see them in your daily life despite the fact that they are already dead. This could give you the comfort of them still being around, while you can still carry out conversations and feel like they are alive. We will write a custom essay sample on No angel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The protagonist, Annie, experiences this supernatural situation in the short story â€Å"No Angel†written by Bernie McGill in 2011. The story is told in a first person narrative with a limited point of view, where the reader has full access to the protagonist’s thoughts, however because we are dealing with a first person narrator, we do not hear the story from a different perspective. Thus first person narrators can debatably be defined as unreliable. Another aspect of using a first person narrator is that the reader is able to identify oneself with the protagonist because the reader is basically inside her head. The loss of a family member is a devastating situation, which many can relate to. In this short the period of time does not pass in the traditional chronological order where event A is followed by event B. The story includes nothing but flashbacks. Instead of introducing the characters in the beginning the author has chosen to use in medias res which is an effect where the story begins in the middle of an important event. This method is often used in short stories because of the length limitation on the short story genre. This story begins with a long flashback in which you find out about the first time the main character sees her father after his passing. As soon as this flashback is concluded the reader is brought straight into another flashback. This is very typical for this short story as we jump from one flashback into another one throughout the whole story. In these constant flashbacks you learn about the important characters and events that has taken place. You do not learn much about the other characters in the story besides what the protagonist describes. You are told about her father, whom she refers to as ‘’Daddy’’ and her mother, whom she refers to as ‘’Mum. ’’ The two other characters you hear about in the story are Robbie, the main character’s brother, and Thomas, the ex-boyfriend. The three family members â€Å"daddy†, â€Å"mum†, and Robbie have all passed away and are no longer a part of the main character’s life. Thomas is still alive, but not together with Annie anymore. The narrator mostly describes the characters through their actions. The main character seems like a very lonely person. In the flashbacks she is never together with any friends. She does not have any contact with anyone apart from her dead father, who shows up in her mind from time to time. Even though it is never really indicated that she is sad or lonely, it is a very plausible reason that she sees her father becauset she never got over his death. She must have shared a strong bond with her father, which would make sense, since they were together for nearly 22 years after the tragic deaths of her mother and brother. She can as well be described as an insecure person with very low self-esteem, because she used to admire Robbie’s boldness and high level of confidence, which was something she always lacked. This is also the reason why she fell for Thomas in the first place. He had some of the same boldness and confidence that she admired in her brother. The supernatural elements play a part in the short story and they give the text an uncanny feel to it. E. g. when the protagonist sees her father for the first time after his death she notices that the growth on his face had now turned into a scar. This tells the reader that the father’s body has continued living and functioned even though he has been dead. We are not told why the protagonist has conversations with her deceased father. That is up to the reader to interpret. A possible interpretation is that the loneliness and difficulties in coping with her family being dead makes the protagonist create these supernatural encounters inside her own mind. The title of the story mentions a supernatural element, angels. An interpretation of the title could be that it is a reference to her dad not being an angel. The father’s appearances brings nothing but negative comments with him, and therefore the father might be labeled as â€Å"No Angel†. A different interpretation could be that the protagonist does not need an angel anymore in the end. She does not need her father to be an angel or her guardian angel anymore. Annie’s mind is divided, where one part of her is trying to move on from her family’s death and live her own life. In the last paragraph you see an example of this when Annie asks her father if he will leave her alone now. On the other hand, she desperately needs her family because of her aforementioned insecurities. You could even interpret the last line â€Å"You know where we are†1 as an encouragement for her to join the rest of the family in heaven by committing suicide. This way she will not be lonely, and instead she will be reunited with her family. The overall theme that the author is trying to get across is that time heals all wounds. Everyone has people that they love very much, people that they cannot imagine being gone forever one day. Death is, for many, the biggest fear, however it is also the one thing in life that is certain. Everyone dies eventually. What is important is to remember to love our friends and family, and cherish every moment with them. When they die there is nothing to do about it. People cannot spend the rest of their lives suffering from something that is the most natural thing in life. It is important to remember them but it is also a necessity to overcome the pain and continue living our own lives and try to be as happy as we can be. That is what they would want us to be
Friday, November 29, 2019
Being a Body Piercer essays
Being a Body Piercer essays Body piercing is the art of putting holes in the body so that jewelry can be place in the holes. Body piercers do not make that much money. They are not paid by the hour; most piercers make about half of the money the piercing cost. Usually during the week it is slow and not many people want to get pierced. Business picks up on the weekends. After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, business has been significantly slow because people do not want to spend money because they think the economy is going to crash, making it hard for body piercers to make very much money right now. On October 22, 2001 I went and saw body piercing live and up close. When I first got there it was slow with no customers and pretty much remained the same way for the remainder of the day. I met the piercer and he taught me about basic sterilization techniques. First you must take the materials you use and soak them in a hospital disinfectant, after the materials have been soaking for a while u then scrub them thoroughly making sure there are no germs of any kind in them. After they have been scrubbed and rinsed you must put them in a sterile pouch and seal them until use. If any materials came in contact with blood u must do the same process except do it for longer because u do not want to transmit any diseases that the person whos blood was on the material might of had. Needles used in piercing must be disposed of in a hazardous waste box. Every material used in piercing must be completely sterile to prevent spread of disease and germs. As the evening progressed a girl came in and wanted to get the holes in her ear stretched out from a 16 gauge to an 8 gauge. The smaller the gauge the larger the hole. When trying to fit the 8 gauge taper into the 16 gauge hole the pain was too much for the girl so she backed out. The piercer I shadowed had 25 piercings including  ¾ inch holes in his ears, other ear piercings, the septum wh...
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Industrial Revolution Dbq
THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. More good than bad The Industrial Revolution is the name given to the movement in which machines changed people's way of life as well as their methods of manufacture. About the time of the American Revolution, English People began to use machines to make cloth and steam engines to run the machines. Later they invented locomotives. Productivity began a steep climb. By 1850 most Englishmen were laboring in industrial towns and Great Britain had become the workshop of the world. From Britain the Industrial Revolution spread gradually throughout Europe and to the United States. The most important of the changes that the Industrial Revolution improved were: 1. The invention of machines to do the work of hand tools. 2. The use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, in place of the muscles. 3. The adoption of the factory system. The Industrial Revolution came gradually. However, when measured against the centuries people had worked entirely by hand, it happened in a short span of time. Until the inventions of the flying shuttle in 1733 and the spinning jenny in 1764, the making of yarn and the weaving of cloth had been much the same for thousands of years. By 1800 a host of new and faster processes were in use in both manufacture and transportation. (Doc 7) Several systems of making goods had grown up by the time of the Industrial Revolution. In country districts families produced most of the supplies that they used, while in the cities merchandise was made in shops, and manufacturing was strictly regulated by the guilds and by the government. The goods made in these shops were limited and costly. The merchants needed cheaper items, as well as larger quantities, for their growing trade. They had to establish another system of producing goods. The cottage or domestic industry filled in the gap for some time, because it gave the merchant a large supply of manufactured articles at a low price. It pro... Free Essays on Industrial Revolution Dbq Free Essays on Industrial Revolution Dbq THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. More good than bad The Industrial Revolution is the name given to the movement in which machines changed people's way of life as well as their methods of manufacture. About the time of the American Revolution, English People began to use machines to make cloth and steam engines to run the machines. Later they invented locomotives. Productivity began a steep climb. By 1850 most Englishmen were laboring in industrial towns and Great Britain had become the workshop of the world. From Britain the Industrial Revolution spread gradually throughout Europe and to the United States. The most important of the changes that the Industrial Revolution improved were: 1. The invention of machines to do the work of hand tools. 2. The use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, in place of the muscles. 3. The adoption of the factory system. The Industrial Revolution came gradually. However, when measured against the centuries people had worked entirely by hand, it happened in a short span of time. Until the inventions of the flying shuttle in 1733 and the spinning jenny in 1764, the making of yarn and the weaving of cloth had been much the same for thousands of years. By 1800 a host of new and faster processes were in use in both manufacture and transportation. (Doc 7) Several systems of making goods had grown up by the time of the Industrial Revolution. In country districts families produced most of the supplies that they used, while in the cities merchandise was made in shops, and manufacturing was strictly regulated by the guilds and by the government. The goods made in these shops were limited and costly. The merchants needed cheaper items, as well as larger quantities, for their growing trade. They had to establish another system of producing goods. The cottage or domestic industry filled in the gap for some time, because it gave the merchant a large supply of manufactured articles at a low price. It pro...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Should terrorist have miranda rights based on the constitution Essay
Should terrorist have miranda rights based on the constitution - Essay Example Seen in a political and historical context, since times immemorial, constitutions around the world though being sacrosanct tend to be dependent on a plethora of factors in terms of the extension of rights and their interpretation. Historically speaking right from the times of the Greeks, the city states drafted and exercised their constitutions in the light of the geo-political environment amongst which they were placed and the consequent friends and enemies they had to contend with (Manferedi 127). In a post 9/11 scenario, America has found itself in a precarious and unique situation where it happens to be the choicest target of international terrorist organizations. Hence, the constitution should aptly respond to these peculiar circumstances by denying all democratic rights to the terrorists, including the Miranda Rights. One major aspect of Miranda Rights is that the Constitution does recognize the fact that there may be exceptional circumstances, posing a grave threat to public safety, where the extension of Miranda Rights to a suspect may not be pragmatic and safe. In New York v. Quarles (1984), the US Supreme Court did recognize the fact that in circumstances where there is a clear and imminent danger to public safety, exceptions to Mirada Rights are constitutionally relevant. Now, after the gargantuan loss and bloodshed America had to bear with in the 9/11 terror attacks, the very existence of a terrorist pose a clear and imminent threat to public safety. So automatically the terrorists should be excluded from the ambit of safety extended by the Miranda Rights. Terrorists are not like regular criminals to whom the Miranda Rights are extended by the Constitution. At the basis of most of the regular crimes lie two reasons, either need or some form of mental illness. However, terrorists do not kill people because they are in need or are mentally challenged. Rather, most of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Quit as a Uniter and Divider Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Quit as a Uniter and Divider - Essay Example It is this quilt, a symbol and historical accounting of the struggles, trial, and tribulations of black women in America, that divides the family, and illustrates Walker’s frustration with the desire by many modern women to break away from their past, and to devalue the true struggles and accomplishments of African-American women, within the context of a life filled with prejudice and hardship. As the modern and foreward-thinking daughter, Dee, visits home and her mother, Mama and sister, Maggie, Dee looks for and finds two quilts that Mama and her sister, Dicie, had worked on together and created. The bonds of sisterhood in the Jim Crowe South were of the utmost importance to survival, and quilts in general represent this bond and struggle for survival. Not only are they wonderful folk art, but are also representations--a visual accounting-- of the struggle for light in a darkened world. This marvelous history, chronicled in quilts, is one to be valued, and remembered, a test ament to a history filled with pride and struggles. It is clear in this short story that Mama and Maggie, still living in the homestead, and rooted in the culture of the South, value this history. Dee, on the other hand, is only in to visit, has married a man with a foreign religion, has eschewed her given name for an African name which Mama cannot even pronounce, and is filled with self-righteous indignation at the oppressive past of her family. In a way she wants to wear this past as a badge, but also move on from it at the same time. The quilt represents this struggle within Dee to have remnants from her family’s past, such as the quilt, but to also neatly fold it away in a drawer, and take it out when needed. Dee sees this history as something to be used and manipulated, while Mama and Maggie see it as something to be proud of, to use every day and to cover their bodies in warmth and the basic pride of remembrance. The tension in the story in manifested by the quilts and Dee’s desire to have them (Whitsett). Mama, had promised them to Maggie. Dee want the quilts, but Mama knows that Maggie deserves them more than Dee does. Although Maggie had not had the opportunities Dee has had in life, and is not as successful as Dee, Maggie represents a more traditional view of family, history, and struggles, that Dee, with all her worldliness and sophistication, cannot fathom. Dee becomes angry at Mama’s refusal to let her take what she wants from the house. Mama can sense that Dee will not treat the quilts with the requisite respect that Maggie would. The quilt is used to highlight the tension between Mama and Dee, and Dee and Maggie, in particular. Dee and Maggie have had a fractured relationship throughout their lives, and represent the struggle between modernism and traditionalism in the black community. Many want to wear their heritage like a trophy, take on African names, dress in African garb, to show their former â€Å"oppressors†t hat they are strong, powerful, and independent. This means moving on from the lifestyle that Mama and Maggie represent--one of traditional respect to their own family, and the strong women who led families and held the African American family together in difficult times. While Mama and Aunt Dicie were close sisters and created the beautiful quilts together, Maggie and Dee have no such relationship and barely talk, with little sisterhood or communication between them. Indeed, the more modern Dee looks down on Maggie and feels she can waltz in the house,
Monday, November 18, 2019
The moral diversity argument for nonobjectivism Essay
The moral diversity argument for nonobjectivism - Essay Example Different cultures and religions look at moral principles differently, based on their culture’s understanding of them. With this, it can be assumed that moral diversity is the differences in interpretation of morality. It does not mean though that these diverse principles would always be in contrast with each other. Some may actually be in support with each other. A particular moral diversity argument is the argument for non-objectivism, wherein non-objectivists claim that moral claims are relative and dependent on the beliefs of an individual or group. This is in contrast to a moral objectivist’s point of view wherein the truth and morality is independent of anyone’s judgment. Non-objectivism emphasizes the diversity between the belief systems of different cultures. Non-objectivism views moral diversity as real and possible since individuals and groups view moral principles and objectives differently. One truth can be the others false, depending on what culture is talking about it. Non-objectivism is concerned about particular views and dispositions of individuals rather than an absolute truth. It sees truth and morals as relative and subjective. Thus, moral diversity is in sync with the principles of non-objectivism. In contrast, objectivism views truth as absolute. There is only one truth, much like one teaching, similar as how Christianity’s Jesus teaches, that there is only One God. Moral objectivists see moral principles as independent of an individual or group’s interpretation of it. The truth and moral principles are right or wrong regardless of the belief of the person.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Exile As Motif In Lenrie Peters English Literature Essay
Exile As Motif In Lenrie Peters English Literature Essay Christopher Babatunde Ogunyemi is a PhD research fellow at the Department of English, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife. He was educated at the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria. He holds a Master degree in Comparative Literature from Dalarna University and he lectures English and Literature at Joseph Ayo Babalola University Ikeji Arakeji, Osun State in Nigeria. He is the author of Male Autobiographical Narratives and Gender Imperatives, Topical Issues in Literature and Globalization and Narratology and Contemporary Fiction which were all published by VDM-Publisher and Lap-Lambert Academic Publishing in Germany. He has leading papers in international journals of high repute. Dr. Niyi Akingbe teaches Comparative Literature, African Literature and Protest studies at the Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji-Arakeji, Osun State, Nigeria. He has written two critical works: Social Protest and the Literary Imagination in Nigerian Novels and Myth, Orality and Tradition in Ben Okris Literary Landscape. His articles have appeared in leading journals on African Literature. Abosede Adebola Otemuyiwa is a lecturer in the Department of English, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji- Arakeji, Osun State, Nigeria. She has published some articles in some scholarly journals. Living Anonymity: Exile as Motif in Lenrie Peters He Walks Alone Christopher Babatunde Ogunyemi Department of English Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Nigeria. [emailprotected] and Niyi Akingbe Department of English Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Nigeria [emailprotected] Abosede Adebola Otemuyiwa Department of English Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Nigeria [emailprotected] Introduction Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home: its essential sadness can never be surmounted. And while it is true that literature and history contain heroic romantic, glorious, even triumphant episodes in an exiles life, these are no more than efforts meant to overcome the achievements of exile permanently undermined by the loss of something left behind for ever. (Edward Said, 2001:137) Edward Saids submission above best explains the fundamentals about writings on Exile which portends either self-identity or collective identity of a group of people who live in a continuum. This kind of writing either informs, educates or entertains but the major motif here is to criticize and to sarcastically inform the people within the literary ethos about the exigency of exile, its psychological effects, sociological effects and even its political effects on African people. Exile writing visualizes issues that bother on alienation and the quest for freedom. Writers throughout the ages have been using their literary works of arts to show various reactions that bother with exile. Some x-ray physical exile others psychological exile which grossly affects the psyche of the writer or the character in question. Migration and forced migration are panacea to alienation and exile. Writings emanating from such feelings are nostalgic and thought provoking. Many writers have used their works to buttress the feelings of exile in time and space. The experience of exile literature in Lithuania is predicated on the apocalyptic second coming of the soviet armies in Lithuania. This threw away many intellectual and professional away into exile. Poets arose to react critically to these plights. Examples of such poets are Kazys Bradunas (b.1917), Jonas Mekas (b.1922), Algirdas Landsbergs (b.1924) among others from all parts of the world. Our concern in this paper is to examine exile as motif in Lenrie Peters poetry that is entitled He Walks Alone The poem explains various reasons Africans go on exile and their impressions when they feel nostalgic. Feelings for their roots, their families and their cultures give rise to some sensitive impressions in their works of arts. However, the work uses textual analy sis to explain how Lenrie Peters uses irony and metaphor to portray the image of exile politically, psychologically, economically and physically as recurring motifs in his poetry. His wealth of imagery is situated within the axis of literary application in order to explain what informs migration literature in Africa. This paper is visualized in six movements: the first being the introduction throws a searchlight into the concept of migration and its attendant example in Lithuania and Africa. The second probes into what constitutes the textual analysis approach; the third views exile as motif in African poetry; the fourth delves into Lenrie Peters preoccupation of exile; the fifth movement conceptualises the application of the textual analysis to the poem in question and the sixth, being the last movement concludes the work. The paper conceptualises the textual analysis approach to demonstrate the intrinsic value of migration and exile in the body of the text. Daniel Chandler has don e some excellent application of the textual approach to the mass media. This approach allows concrete insight into the understanding of poetry as it moves in time and space. The Textual Analysis Approach There are two main forms of the textual analysis of popular culture artefacts: interpretive and content analysis. This paper shall employ these two variations in its corpus. Interpretive Textual Analyses This include: semiotics, rhetorical analysis, ideological analysis, and psychoanalytic approaches, among many others. These types of analysis seek to get beneath the surface (denotative) meanings and examine more implicit (connotative) social meanings. These textual analysis approaches often view culture as a narrative or story-telling process in which particular texts or cultural artefacts (i.e., a pop song or a TV program) consciously or unconsciously link themselves to larger stories at play in the society. A key here is how texts create subject positions (identities) for those who use them. Content analysis is a more quantitative approach that broadly surveys things like how many instances of violence occur on a typical evening of prime time TV viewing, or how many Asian American women appear in a days worth of TV commercials. This information, especially when linked to more qualitative kinds of analysis, can be very valuable in moving beyond the analysts always somewhat subjective observations (http://culturalpolitics.net/popular_culture/textual_analysis). According to Jan Ifversen in Text, Discourse, Concept: Approaches to Textual Analysis, he explains the textual theory using the Foucauldian discourse analysis and Begriffsgechichte which can be fruitfully combined to develop a textual analysis in any literary work, he takes into cognizance and demonstrates that account both pragmatic and semantic dimensions of language is the task of source criticism to establish this claim. However: Textual analysis, on the other hand is concerned with the linguistic forms of past representations. It must get to grips with the representational chain that links memory to testimony and testimony to writing. Some approaches are applied to textual analysis of historical documents. they touch aspects within textual analysis that particularly concern historical material and literary horizon (KONTUR nr. 7 2003: 60) Meaning-oriented content analysis and interpretive and critical text analysis approaches share a subjective ontological status of human action and behaviour and a methodological commitment to capturing the actual meaning and interpretations of organisational actors involved in corporate narrative reporting. Corporate narrative documents are regarded as a medium for meaning construction for organisational actors. However, text analysis approaches from the interpretive and the critical perspectives acknowledge the researchers subjectivity. Literary works provide overview of the research perspectives and corresponding text analysis approaches which are further in literature. It shows the choice of text analysis approach to be determined by the research paradigm in which the researcher locates him/herself, which, in turn, consists of a specific combination of the researchers epistemological stance and the belief regarding the ontological status of human action and behaviour. (Merkl-Davie s, 2009: 5). We shall apply the textual approach to the poetry of Lenrie Peters in order to understand its evaluative interpretation in migration literature. Exile as Motif in African Poetry Poetry usually employs the use of epigrammatic statements, lyrics, concrete images which graphically delineate incontrovertible truths in life and social justice (Maduka and Eyoh, 2000:14). Based on this, poets such as Williams Wordsworth, John Keats, Shakespeare, Yeats etc use their poetry to explicate various motifs from innocence to experience, nature and love, unbridled quest for social justice and so on. Exile is an example of such subject matter that poetry axiomatically lends its credence on because it deployed terse words and encoded metaphor in the illumination of thematic preoccupation. Poets could successfully communicate their feelings without been harmed or without been intimidated by the societal framework or instrument of power that lacks literary imagination. Similarly, poets easily call the attention of audience to the plight of exile in order to bring about new life and new experiences. It boils down to what is exile. According to Jacqueline Corness in a paper entitled Alienation and Freedom- A study of Dostoevskys Notes From Underground as it relates to the Theme of Exile, she defines exile from the perspective of Said when she opines that: Exile is not, after all, a matter of choice: you are born into it, or it happens to you. For this reason, exile is often thought to be the most psychological difficult state of removal from, for example, ones country. While some people are separated from their homeland because they have freely chosen to live elsewhere, exiles are considered to be at mercy of external forces (2). Exile is a serious human condition that makes many poets to show their concern and also demonstrate how they feel. Wole Soyinkas Telephone Conversation is a capsule presentation of psychological exile experienced in England when he was refused an accommodation simply because he is a black man. Arthur Nortje`s Autopsy is a poem that visualises the evil effects of exile on children who were naturally born into it, they feel isolated and perverted. Buhadur Tejani`s Leaving the Country is a poem in Africa that showcases the evils behind political exile and alienation. The spirit of nothingness, hollow expectations and practical dislocations are the feelings that emanate from people. African poets reflect exile situation as motif in their poetic canon. Lenrie Peters and Exile Preoccupations in Poetry Although, Lenrie Peters is not a victim of political exile, his exile motif in poetry is predicated on the psychological exile and alienation he experiences in Britain. The same feelings Soyinka experiences which makes him to write the Telephone Conversation Before 1965, Peters studies and lives in Cambridge, after the independence of Gambia his country, he came home to help restructure the political and economic situation. His poem He Walks Alone is a typical example of exile and alienation people suffer in foreign land. His biography shows that: Lenrie Peters was born in Bathurst (at the time a British colony), now Banjul, Gambia on September 1, 1932. Poet,narrator, publisher, medical surgeon and opera singer. Author of the poetry books: Katchikali; Satellites; and Collected Poems and the novel The Second Round, 1965. All his works were published by Heinemann, in London, in the collection African writers series. After making his first studies in Bathurst and in Sierra Leone, he travelled to Cambridge to study Natural Sciences at Trinity College. In England, he was the president of the Union of African Students. He also worked as a publisher for one of the earliest Gambian newspapers, The Gambia Echo. As well as Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe and other writers, he belongs to the first generation of the Anglophone West African Writers in being recognized as such and being published abroad. He is an enthusiast defender of the panafricanism. A cosmopolitan poet, his densely packed, minimalist stanza structures fit in the broad univ ersal spectrum of human experience: aging and death, the risks of love, the loneliness of exile. In his book Satellites (1967), the poet-doctors detachment is a metaphor for the uprooted individuals painful existential isolation; his scalpel penetrating at the cutting chaotic edge of things an image for the imaginative piercing and spiritual penetration which are the real goals of the poets quest. Although he gets furious with the frustration of the African underdevelopment, he reflects about blind and sickening models of progress that do not show a continuity with the past and destroy more than what they preserve. In his only novel The Second Round, a physicist trained in Great Britain and victim of the so called massacre of the soul brought by westernization, returns to the capital of his homeland filled up with noble ideas about the progress of Africa, but ends accepting a job in a remote jungle hospital and therefore taking roots in the traditional experience (xvii International Poetry Festival of Modelling) He Walks Alone is a poem that shows degree of alienation African students suffer in Europe. As a result of this alienation in their system, they feel exiled and Peters asks them to go home. The poem is a rich experience from the poet who having studied abroad is critical of the hypocritical behaviours which is sometimes found in Europe. An African student is given quality education but refused employment by the system that educates him. The poem is sarcastic because it tries to ridicule the harsh weather and the harsh behaviours Africans face in diaspora. As a result of alienation, some Africans have lost their roots. They want to behave like the Europeans but it is not possible because their physiological traits were not tailored towards the European individualism. Africans are collective in nature, so when they demonstrate Eurocentric feelings, the Europeans could not accept them, the Africans quickly run back home in order to eat in unison, speak in one accord, love themselves and struggle together in African communalism. Textual Analysis of Exile in He Walks Alone The poem is written in seven stanzas of unequal five lines. The poet addresses exile as motif because man is an integral factor in society- Exile has caused many untold pain, isolation and rejection. The first stanza reports: He walks alone head bowed with memories Exiled in the park some playful thing of long ago glues him to a shop window The poet creates an image of an African man in Europe who is looking for an identity. He is not accepted into the system though he is a legal resident. He cannot vote and be voted for; he cannot seek employment in choice places. He walks alone thinking about home, thinking about his family. Most times he goes around with his head bowed to the colour and psychological differences that exist between him and his host community. At the park, he is always given some distance as if he is a mini-human. The situation on the train is the worst, nobody sits beside him. He feels exiled and alienated. The choice of words here shows that Lenrie Peter employs some coded meanings with words like head bowed in memories. The exile is confronted by a denial by the host communitys culture. But also there is a feeling of belonging to a different but alien culture that has no recognition, and which does not accord him any relevance in the colonial metropolis of London. Hence, his head is bowed with memor ies and longing for African warmth usually underscored by: communal gathering, scores of festivals, the warmth of comradeship and shared labour, joy of harvest and a recollection of the sparkling African blue weather of the dry season. An underlining feature of the exiles flirtation with memory is his concern for warmth and tenderness sufficiently present in Africa, a memory which unobtrusively can not be obliterated by a stretch of distance from Africa. In the second stanza, the issue of exile seems more manifest Faded suit sharp lined loosely held by his proud heart shoes scaled with polish cannot comprehend; too much to tell of harsh experiences The African tries to emulate the European but he cannot really fit into the system. The exiles consciousness is sharpened against the backdrop of the drudgery of everyday life in London, reverberated by faded suit, shoes scaled with polish which betrays an instalmental living on the fringes of English society. This is a description placed at the disposal of an exceptional sincerity and a compelling purpose of coping with the debilitating English weather. The choice of being cladded in faded suit and a pair of shoes scaled with polish is bewildering to the exile. But how is the exile in English society expected to cope with isolation, harsh weather and cultural shock? How is he to describe and set his experiences within an historical condition which can only be understood by himself? The exile realises that only memory can be employed as a weapon of liberation to break through the walls of isolation and racial discrimination ineluctably grounded in English social milieu. Memory consti tutes a bastion of recollection of negative experiences for the exile in the poem. The applications of concrete images such as proud heart shoes scaled with polish are contrasting. As an immigrant he is proud to have journeyed to other part of the world, but in the end cannot fit into the new environment. Irony is another instrument the poet uses to make his poem satiric in nature. Maduka sheds more light on this concept: The word irony means so many things to many people that its no longer very useful as a critical idiom. The protean character of its use has resulted in an array of terms associated with it. Thus, one frequently hears of such expressions as Verbal Irony. Irony of Situation, Sophoclean Irony, Irony of Life, Euripi dean Irony, Tragic Irony, Cosmic Irony, Dramatic Irony, Irony of Things, Irony of Circumstances, Irony of Character ( 139, The Intellectual and Power Structure) Peters complicates dominant racial renditions of African exiles life in Europe by challenging oversimplified historical facts. The poem problematizes a disturbing emotional turmoil to produce a poetic effect in which racial narratives are recognised as the stereotypical occurrences, but have been complicated to the point where it can no longer be definitive. Migration breeds alienation, wherein contentious ideological perspectives of the racism are organised into a fluid and recuperative narrative, which urges the reader to apprehend the ways in which ambiguous representations of the exile which yield a more nuanced and complex literary vision of the African racial condition than that rendered by historical documentations. In this poem, many of these ironies are applicable. The most important are: irony of situation, irony of life, dramatic irony, irony of circumstances and irony of character. This is because exile explores all these feelings in the life of the African whose character is very critical in the poem. Stanzas three and four explain more: No coward he respository of rejected talents an ounce of earth silted weightily in his heart. the breaking point is looking back In this stanza, Peters commences a poetic evaluation of the significance of western education to contemporary African students. Inspite of the difficulties generated by the racially stratified England, the persona does not disintegrate with the threats of racism. But has to maintain a stoical fidelity to his pursuit of western education, whose immense reward will translate to the transformation of his African society. And more so, he can not afford to pack his bags and return to Africa, because the breaking point is looking back. But has to cope with the social, psychological and economic stress of England as to acquire western education at all cost. This necessitates that he deplores courage as a tool of postmodernist sensibility, towards surmounting these travails. The treatment of a sensitive socio-political issue of racism in this poem underscores James Reevess observation that, what poetry does to the mass of ordinary experience is to make permanent and memorable whatever in it is vital and significant(88). Peters in this poem ostensibly criticises racial discrimination, and amplifies the plight of African students in their determination to confront this social malaise. Crossed the Rubicon Race, nationality, ideology, religion arrowed from earth to moon founder of a new brotherhood an hero he not of our nation born Here, the character in the poem is undergoing some rejections. He is grossly isolated, crossing the Rubicon is a metaphor for Atlantic Ocean. The poet is calling an attention that this character who flew across the Atlantic is now been exiled physically and psychologically. He battles racism, nationality stratification resulting into modern slavery, religious differences, ideological divergences, post-nationalism and globalization. Language to this poem is very crucial to the understanding of exile and its attendant evils. Peter concurs that African students must embrace alienation as it is transitory yet mandatory for the pursuit of western education. This reverberates Jacques Derridas explanation that reality, and historical representation of events that attempts to document reality must be inscribed in contradiction and ambivalence. Derrida insists: If we have been insisting so much since the beginning on the logic of the ghost, it is because it points toward a thinking of the event that necessarily exceeds a binary or dialectical logic, the logic that distinguishes or opposes effectivity or actuality (either present, empirical,living-or-not) and ideality (regulating or absolute non-presence). (italics original 78) Suffice to say that Derridas logic of the ghost explicates the ways in which He Walks Alone Articulates a similar contradiction that bifurcates binaries of racism to establish a more problematic historical representation of exile. The poet chooses both the connotative and denotative language to portray the colourful images and metaphors which he explores in the handling of exile as motif in the poem He Walks Alone Stanzas five, six and seven substantiate this assertion. Lenrie Peters mastery of the English language allows for an unbiased evaluation of communities imagined through language, which neither obscures specificity nor emphasize notions of fixed identity. Such evaluation succinctly foregrounds the questioning and critical evaluation of the disadvantaged position of the exile. Known no tenderness skin a mosaic of scars heart in fixed deposit safe from ridicule, decomposing Marionette-strings linked with stars Exile go home under your bed a bowl of tears leave back streets nightmares evenings kneeling in pews brassy noises of homely fires Dream and wait coarse cauctus of desert wastes perhaps tomorrow sunflowers fading in the heat will lie insensate at your feet In this poem, the choice of both connotative language and denotative language is to present the motif of exile in its natural state. The poet wants to prevent ambiguity by using everydays language as connotative and implied language as denotative. The image of poverty is too conspicuous in the poem. The character lives in isolated area, some areas are exclusively reserved for immigrants and some jobs are also exclusively reserved for immigrants. Such jobs include cleaning, flushing of toilets, etc. Lenrie Peters is extremely critical about the use of language in the poem. Although he sounds very harsh, maverick and mechanical when he says exile go home. The poet seems to be worried about frustrations, psychological intimidation people in exile go through. Although this is self exile, he admonishes the Africans that they should seriously start thinking about home for the sake of development and posterity. Similarly, the arrays of metaphors which are situational make the motif of exile interesting to study. Though exile is a social factor, the poet is calling attention that instead of constant endurance and travails, affected persons can make it good at home. Although man is powerless in the face of uncontrollable phenomenon, the poet achieves success in his artistic craft and the handling of the theme of exile as motif in He Walks Alone The title of the poem is symbolic because it expresses the exile experience and it emphasises individualism which is not part of African culture and tradition. Above all, it is a contribution to African literature because African literature, indeed the literature of black civilization, in modern times, has moved from the literature of protest to the literature of assertion and emancipation, which also indicates self-examination (Black Aesthetics, ix). Of paramount significance is the musical theatricality which the poem employs in its structure, which gives the poem an aesthetic bravura and imaginative splendour. The significance of this regular patterning is to show that exile is a continuous phenomenon in the life of people. As African people move from one place to the other, other people too may consider relocation from one locale to the other. They would begin to consider balancing with the socio-geographical factor of the environment they find themselves in. In the course of thi s, nostalgia, pain and acceptance problem sails in. The end rhyme employed by Lenrie Peters could be considered original because it neither conforms to Elizabethan nor the English type. The tone of the poem is melancholic. That is the situation exile encourages. The poet is exhibiting a practical manifestation of what it is to be in exile. The expectations are usually very high but the system is not accommodating to satisfy all the yearnings revolving in the mind. The audience would perceive He Walks Alone as a didactic poem. A didactic poem is a poem that teaches and explains the rudiments about human society and predicament. The motif of exile is an over - riding factor in this poem. The poem exegetically breaks down and overturns the European jaundiced understanding of African cultural milieu, by resisting a widely accepted, and otiose depiction of the African students sojourn in Europe as blissful, celebratory and quintessential. But Peters through a complex exteriorization of his experience in London, depicts the thorny convolutions of exile. Conclusion The motif of exile is the main preoccupation that Lenrie Peters examines in exhaustive chunk. He uses rich imagery to demonstrate this, bearing in mind that Africans are people of historical evolution in the word of Boyin Svetlana. This poem is very sensitive to the plight of exile and identity. The use of ordinary language is to denote clear image of understanding so that the issue of ambiguity would not arise. To sum up, Lenrie Peters He Walks Alone is an exemplification of exile experience coupled with the question of identity and how these factors have dire consequences on the people. The rich artistic creation is a contribution to African literature.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel :: essays papers
Like Water for Chocolate Some stories are meant for movies, but then again, there are times when I wish some stories remained stories, unless we had a French film director do them. Laura Ezquivel' s novel is a treat. It stays with you as a fine dessert, or a fine food, and she knows it so well, and revels in it. In the film version, this gets lost because it cannot translate. The twelve recipes for each month get reduced to an occasional side story. In the novel, it is the food that brings about the results, and Tita has learned to make the most of the secrets of the culinary delights. The movie couldn't possibly show us how Tita and her mentor ever decided the reasons why such and such a dish were done for whatever occasion. This loss reduces the richness of the story into a film that is missing a third dimension, but never the less, it is still good. Sometimes the food is sad.... the whole table has a tremendous cry upon eating such a magnificent dessert. Other times the food is so hot that the older sister has to leave to cool off, which is not enough even after a cold shower. And trot off she does in the hands of a military opposite to what the mother stands for. Tita's revenge is working. I, personally, love the writing of Laura Ezquivel, much better than I do the movie version. But I think that much of this problem may have been because I saw a version that was DUBBED and the voices were repetitive, unemotional, and so glaringly bland, that it ruined what looks like a good film. It also appears to have taken away the food part of the whole story, which is as tasty as anything else.... it matches the desires in all the film, but then, that must have not been the reason to make a film, or to distribute it to other nations. Superb performances, if you can get by the lousy translations and often screwy sub-titles. Read the novel first, and then watch the film without the voices. But a great novel, nonetheless... see it and read it afterwards.More and more I see less and less in American releases ... the fineness and rhythm of language are just not there . Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel :: essays papers Like Water for Chocolate Some stories are meant for movies, but then again, there are times when I wish some stories remained stories, unless we had a French film director do them. Laura Ezquivel' s novel is a treat. It stays with you as a fine dessert, or a fine food, and she knows it so well, and revels in it. In the film version, this gets lost because it cannot translate. The twelve recipes for each month get reduced to an occasional side story. In the novel, it is the food that brings about the results, and Tita has learned to make the most of the secrets of the culinary delights. The movie couldn't possibly show us how Tita and her mentor ever decided the reasons why such and such a dish were done for whatever occasion. This loss reduces the richness of the story into a film that is missing a third dimension, but never the less, it is still good. Sometimes the food is sad.... the whole table has a tremendous cry upon eating such a magnificent dessert. Other times the food is so hot that the older sister has to leave to cool off, which is not enough even after a cold shower. And trot off she does in the hands of a military opposite to what the mother stands for. Tita's revenge is working. I, personally, love the writing of Laura Ezquivel, much better than I do the movie version. But I think that much of this problem may have been because I saw a version that was DUBBED and the voices were repetitive, unemotional, and so glaringly bland, that it ruined what looks like a good film. It also appears to have taken away the food part of the whole story, which is as tasty as anything else.... it matches the desires in all the film, but then, that must have not been the reason to make a film, or to distribute it to other nations. Superb performances, if you can get by the lousy translations and often screwy sub-titles. Read the novel first, and then watch the film without the voices. But a great novel, nonetheless... see it and read it afterwards.More and more I see less and less in American releases ... the fineness and rhythm of language are just not there .
Monday, November 11, 2019
How does Williamson show the use and abuse of power in “The Club� Essay
David Williamson exposes the use and abuse of power in his play The Club, which offers â€Å"a look at the power behind the big men of the sporting world†. Through the use of dramatic and language techniques such as dramatic irony, mise en scene and simile. Williamson suggest that manipulation of power can destroy friendships, organisations and affects one’s passion. In particular the abuse of power is shown to backfire on Jock, Gerry and Ted this suggest that individuals and groups should not abuse their power but instead follows Laurie’s example and use power selflessly. The committee members’ passion for the game leads them to use and abuse their power to form an ideal team to win the premiership, however their actions go against the club’s values and negatively affect the club. Ted’s passion for the game is displayed by the line, â€Å"I’ve seen every game we’ve played since I was six†, and his detailed description of Laurie’s first kick with jargon like ‘long low pass’ and ‘blind turn’, which reveal his commitment towards the sport and the club. However, as the president, Ted only cares about winning and loses sight of the team. This is shown when Geoff Hayward is purchased without consulting Laurie (the coach) and the team members. Ted’s abuse of power is emphasised by Laurie’s angry tone when he is criticising Ted for trying to tell him how to coach, and by his dismissal in the line â€Å"I don’t appreciate interference from amateurs†, which co nnotes Ted’s status as a newcomer trying to run the club. Although Ted is motivated by his passion for the game, his abuse of power to show authority over the team makes the club suffer. In the text, Williamson shows factionalism through the portrayal of characters working against each other and manipulating one another. Jock and Gerry’s abuse of power is displayed with dramatic irony as they are shown to be plotting behind the player backs and scheming for Ted and Laurie to get fired. Gerry says to Laurie that he wants Ted out â€Å"as much as you do†, appearing sympathetic, but the audience also sees Gerry talking to Ted about how they are going to force Laurie to resign after the season. Gerry uses and abuses his power to get the ideal team that he and Jock want. Also, Jock’s abuse of power is evident by Laurie’s accusation that Jock only supported the committee’s traditional approach to recruiting players to stop Laurie from succeeding, claiming that â€Å"the reason why you wouldn’t let the club buy players was to stop me winning a flag.†Williamson uses diction and tone to bring out Jock’s scheming and manipulation toward Laurie so he can achieve and accomplish his own hidden agenda, which is to undermine Laurie. Laurie’s selfless acts upon others show how moral he is, and show his loyalty to the club, he shows that he doesn’t abuse his power and uses his power selflessly. This is shown through the use of language of disagreement, where Laurie tries to defend Danny’s position when â€Å"Danny was getting thrashed. I thought you mightn’t have noticed†, a quote from Ted which emphasises how badly ‘thrashed’ Danny was. Because of this, Ted wanted to ‘shift him’ but Laurie disagreed with the fact that anyone on the team besides Danny could take Wilson (one of the best footballer). This shows Laurie’s morality in terms of how he thinks of others, that he knows that Danny ‘was desperate to keep on trying’. This shows Laurie’s human aspect and therefore shows his loyalty to the club. Another abuse of power to be measured is Jock’s human aspect. Jock is loyal to the club, but is based on selfish and violent acts; he wants everything to be good for him, so that his name can be on top of the club. He is also a non-secretive person, and because of this, he shows that he doesn’t care what he does, and therefore emphasises he only cares for himself and is self-motivated. In the play, The Club displays how characters take advantage of their status with their power of being talent. This is shown when the club receives a new player from Tasmania, which also changes the traditions of having their â€Å"local boys†playing for the game. Williamson exposes how players such as Geoff Hayward take advantage of their power and use their power to receive a better income and take advantage of the club. Geoff Hayward abuses his power also on Jock by telling his problems, however Geoff is lying to Jock and Jock believes everything in what he is saying. This is seen with the line delivery, and tone of â€Å" I get the feeling that something is worrying you Geoff†, in my own interpretation jock is gesturing to Geoff in a way that offers to help by listening, but jokes facial expression would be that he thinks he is better for suspecting something is wrong. Geoff uses his power to abuse jock by fooling him in to a trick and making him believe in the unthinkable. In conclusion David Williamson highlights how the abuse of power that can take away one’s passion for the game, and loose in what they stood for like ted. Also that people use their power to gain respect and only use it for their own motives such as Jock and Gerry as they just wanted their ideal team. However, like Laurie he uses his power selfless and liked to use his power for what they believe is right. The Club explores how power can be used positively and negatively and the message behind it is to show the corruption behind the sporting world.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
In my mind justice is a very abstract concept
In my mind justice is a very abstract concept. Although it seems like everyone knows the meaning of the word many people view justice differently. If you would ask people what they associate the word justice with, you would hear many opinions. To me it means fairness, accountability, equality, punishment, following the letter of the law, and these are the words that came to my mind on the spot, but the list sure doesnt end here. What may seem just to one person may be considered totally unjust to someone else; we are faced with this reality very often. It could be a minor issue, which affects only few individuals, such as debating if a grade your professor gave you on an exam is a fair evaluation of your knowledge of the material. On a greater level, it could be an issue such as capital punishment. Those who support death sentence say that some criminals should be punished by death for crimes that they commit. Those with the opposing view, ask if its just to have the! power to take a persons life, no matter what crime they are guilty of committing. As Walzer states: Justice is a human construction, and it is doubtful that it can be made in only one way... In his discussion on distributive justice Walzer talks about distribution of goods in a society and power struggles that are constant in societies with where goods can be limited. According to him monopoly arises from lack of a valuable good in a society, the limited amount of that good automatically gives power to those individuals who poses it, creating inequality. He goes on explaining the theory of simple equality where government constantly limits the power of those with possession of the rare goods, but soon the government itself becomes the greater power which controls all other goods. He states that: Politics is always the most direct path to dominance, and political power...is probably the most important and certainly m
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Islamic Extremists Essay Essays
Islamic Extremists Essay Essays Islamic Extremists Essay Essay Islamic Extremists Essay Essay About everyone has heard about Islam and the Arab universe. In add-on. many states have already faced issues with the Muslim trusters. Islam has caused jobs. terrorist onslaughts. anti-democracy all over the universe. They were besides really successful in directing a message of who they genuinely are. Peoples who are literally obedient to the Islamic religion are called Islamic Extremists. People. who are of the Islamic religion nevertheless desire to last in peace without trials are non considered obedient or dutiful to the Islamic religion. these people are called moderate Muslims. Therefore. the Islamic spiritual extremists are the major group in Islam who follow the Qur’an word for word and create utmost force that moderate Moslems do non. Muslim extremism started in Egypt in the late twentiess. During the inter-war old ages. the state was occupied by the British military. The Nationalist Wafd motion. led by Saad Zaghloul. opposed the presence of t he British. as would anyone whose state is being occupied by a foreign military power. ( A brief history of Islamic extremism ) In 1928. Hassan al-Banna established the term â€Å"The Muslim Brotherhood†which was the first Islamist motion. The British authorities supported the nascent motion in an effort to compensate the Nationalists. In modern Egyptian political relations. the Muslim Brotherhood is the largest resistance party to Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party. Mubarak has been in power since the blackwash of Anwar Sadat in 1981. The Muslim Brotherhood has ever been illegal. and. over the old ages. 1000s of its members have been imprisoned by the Egyptian authorities. ( A brief history of Islamic extremism ) The political orientation of the early Brotherhood is really similar to that of Islamist groups today – they denounced the Egyptian authorities as secular and regarded Egyptian society in footings of â€Å"jahaliya†or a barbarian. pre-Islamic society non based on Islamic shari’a jurisprudence. Sayyed Qutb. an Egyptian rational associated with the Muslim Br otherhood. wrote a book called Ma’alim fil Tariq ( â€Å"Signposts on the Road†) . which proved to be extremely influential on the thought of modern Islamists. Qutb wrote the book in 1964 while in prison ; 2 old ages subsequently he was executed by hanging. ( A brief history of Islamic extremism ) In the late seventiess. the CIA financed and trained the mujahidin ( â€Å"Holy Warriors†) in order to contend a proxy war with the Soviet ground forces. which had invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Training. support and the proviso of weaponries to the mujahidin was carried out covertly via Pakistan and Saudi Arabia ; one of the alleged â€Å"Afghan Arabs†who was trained by the U. S. was a immature adult male called Osama bin Laden. ( A brief history of Islamic extremism ) In the recent old ages. Bangladesh was suspected of going a oasis and genteelness land for Islamic terrorist groups with links to Al-Qaida. Domestic Islamic extremist groups are said to funnel Al-Qaida money. weaponries. and combatants through the state. In March 1999. IOJ president Amini told a public meeting: â€Å"We are for Osama [ bin Ladin ] . we are for the Taliban. and we will be in authorities in 2000 through an Islamic revolution. †( Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein. B. ) Bangladeshi support for Osama bin Ladin and Al-Qaida rose following the September 11 onslaughts and the subsequent American assault on the Taliban in Afghanistan. The U. S. conveyed its displeasure with Dhaka’s failure to squelch anti-American. pro-Osama bin Ladin rallies in the aftermath of the American onslaught on Afghanistan. In November 2001. IOJ’s Amini said: â€Å"Osama bin Ladin is loved by the Bangladeshi people. Everyone respects him and considers him to be a leader of Muslims. †( Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein. B. ) The political features of Islam are derived from the Qur’an. the Sunna ( the expressions and populating wonts of Muhammad ) . Muslim history. and sometimes elements of political motions outside Islam. Out of the Muslim Brotherhood. late derived a group called The Muslim Salafeyeen. The Salafeyeen act laughably much worse than the Muslim Brotherhood. They have the same outlook as the Muslim Brotherhood ; nevertheless. they go even beyond the outlooks of the Quran’s instructions. For illustration the Muslim Brotherhood has the word political relations in their lexicon. which means they can hold political relationships with the westerners but that is to utilize their aid for their ain good. such as Saudi Arabia. They besides base and implement the jurisprudence of the Qur’an on the people. On the flipside. the Salafeyeen do non hold the word political relations in their lexicon and the manner they communicate is through terrible force even on their ain people. For illustration their regulation goes as follows: stealers must hold their custodies cut off. a curser’s lingua must be cut off. an extramarital must be killed with the border of the blade. and so on with all the evildoers. Their judgements are pretty utmost. They presently have a little group in Egypt. There is no research found about them yet. nevertheless information has been spread through word of oral cavity and people’s experiences in the recent yearss in Egypt. The Salafeyeen have been around and they are really few still. It is non long until the malignant neoplastic disease is spread everyplace. Numerous terrorist folks have finally been spread all over the universe. The Muslim Brotherhood has created a private group in each state who follow their program. Therefore. every so frequently. the state receives intelligence about happening desolations they have caused. Since the Muslim Brotherhood considers force is the lone method to distribute or enforce their faith on many states. they had specifically chosen the United States of America to execute their force onslaughts. The United States is presently considered the most powerful state in the universe. If they had specifically chosen the United States. their end is so revealed. The Muslim Brotherhood’s aspiration is to achieve the power of the United States and govern it. If they conquer this power. they most probably conquered the universe. It is non hard for anyone to calculate this expounding. The terrorist onslaught that occurred in September eleventh of two 1000 and one was chiefly the first onslaught the caught t he world’s consciousness. Prior to that. the state was familiar about Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood ; nevertheless they did non hold adequate cognition in respects of whom they genuinely are. Throughout the old ages. the Muslim Brotherhood has determined that terrorist act would be the lone method used to pass on with the universe. They have successfully sent out messages about their ends. which are to restrict the universe in instruction. political positions. democratic positions. etc. For illustration. the Islamic beliefs strain a adult female of her basic rights. A adult female is non allowed to travel to school for instruction. Harmonizing to the Shahih Bukhari 1. 6. 301. Volume 1. Book 6. Number 301: Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Once Allah’s Apostle went out to the Musalla ( to offer the supplication ) o ‘Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr supplication. Then he passed by the adult females and said. â€Å"O adult females! Give alms. as I have seen that the bulk of the inhabitants of Hell-fire were you ( adult females ) . †They asked. â€Å"Why is it so. O Allah’s Apostle? †He replied. â€Å"I have non seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and faith than you. A cautious reasonable adult male could be led astray by some of you. †The adult females asked. â€Å"O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and faith? †He said. â€Å"Is non the grounds of two adult females equal to the informant of one adult male? †They replied in the affirmatory. He said. â€Å"This is the lack in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a adult female can neither pray nor fast during her menstruations? †The adult females replied in the affirmatory. He said. â€Å"This is the lack in her faith. †Their outlook is really limited in statements every bit good. Their beliefs are against freedom of address. faith. look. even the Internet because it allows statements. cognition. and instruction and largely everything that has to make with the human rights. All of their statements must travel back to the Shari’a ( jurisprudence ) of Islam. which prevents all these rights. The Shari’a of Islam calls for work forces to crush their married womans. Harmonizing to 004. 034 YUSUFALI: Work force are the defenders and upholders of adult females. because Allah has given the one more ( strength ) than the other. and because they support them from their agencies. Therefore the righteous adult females are piously obedient. and guard in ( the husband’s ) absence what Allah would hold them guard. As to those adult females on whose portion ye fright disloyalty and ill-conduct. warn them ( foremost ) . ( Following ) . garbage to portion their beds. ( And last ) beat them ; but if they return to obedience. seek non against them Means ( of irritation ) . This type of outlook creates a force animalistic society. Peoples develop these violent accomplishments through the enforcement of such Torahs which leads to terrorist act. Imagine there is deficiency of instruction. freedom of statements. address. look. faith. anti-democracy etc. how will anyone be able to larn. be just. balanced in ideas. unprejudiced or even survive in peace? It is surely impractical. Therefore. to get the better of the outlook of terrorist act. the state must understand what Islam and the Qur’an truly Teachs Islamists. Some of the Qur’an’s instructions are largely about the heathens ( disbelievers ) and how all of them will stop up in Hell. Harmonizing to the instructions of the Qurâ€⠄¢an verses freely and blithely references: Make non take disbelievers as friends ; cautiousness is necessary to befriend the unbelievers†¦3:28. It is non honorable to take disbelievers as friends†¦4:139. Make non take disbelievers as friends†¦4:144. Believers are non to take the Jews and Christians as friends and defenders ; if any truster ( i. e. Muslim ) turns to them so he besides becomes a Jew or a Christian†¦5:51. Real friends are God. His apostle ( Muhammad ) and the family of pious and charitable believers†¦5:55. God’s wrath and tortures is for befriending the unbelievers†¦5:80. Whoever seeks the friendly relationship of evil people will be lead to the punishment of fire†¦22:3. Can non be on footings of secret familiarity or be friendly with the enemies of faith †¦60:1. This is the really ain words of Qur’an that Islamists follow. Some Islamists who live in the West will even knock their folks for purchasing a bantam Christmas tree merely for the small kids or even for go toing Christmas parties. They will even travel a measure further in declaring that the westerners must larn from them ( the Muslim migrators ) and non the other man ner around. At this clip. since the Qur’an neer called for peace. it is apprehensible why those Islamists act the manner they do. The supreme fury of the Islamists is reserved for the manner the western adult females frock. work and lives. Many Muslim adult females are deviously forced to have on hijab merely to show to the heathen adult females the superior celibacy of Muslim adult females. Ten old ages ago. it was rare to happen a hijabi adult female in any streets of Europe or the U. S. The state of affairs is rather different now. Any rail-station. shopping centre. eating stall. college. university. etc. . will on a regular basis detect a hijabi adult female standing nearby. Many Islamists openly declare that all Muslim adult females must cover themselves in ( ugly ) hijab and cloak no affair what others may believe of them. This is because these Muslim adult females will go the shining illustrations or beacon of muliebrity. celibacy. and Islamic beauty to the infidel adult females and they ( the heathen adult females ) will finally follow the Muslim adult females and merrily wear the Muslim attire. These Islamists are perfectly certain that these infidel adult females will one twenty-four hours. certainly be cover ed by Islamic hijab. Why? Because. Allah has ordained it-one twenty-four hours the full universe will go an Ummah ( Islamic community ) of some kind. They have no uncertainty on this. At this point. it is apprehensible why Islamic extremists commit their terrorist act onslaughts. Their end is to distribute and implement Islam in the whole universe. Research has proved through the really ain words of Qur’an and Hadith. action has proved it through terrorist act onslaughts of the heathens ( disbelievers ) . and their daily modus operandi dressing up in the Muslim attire. Many will reason it is non a job if their faith inquires their adult females to dress and look that manner. They are partly right. merely if their intent is to dress that manner and nil more. However based on research. even modern Islamists are called Islamists because they believe in Islamic Shari’a and jurisprudence. They have an thought of what Islam is approximately and if they still call themselves Muslims. they are considered under the same class of faith. They have partly the same ideas ; they may non be interested in slaying. nevertheless they will neer take a westerner as a friend. unless the westerner becomes a Muslim. This type of thought is non in any manner good for a modern society. In a modern society. it encourages one to look. act. and think in a certain manner. This manner is non to implement negative ideas. beliefs on anyone. It is to promote instruction. positive ideas. and the playing of professionalism with one another. The best method in making a solution for the universe is to understand that Islam is now spread in many topographic points. Islam has become a whole outlook that people follow non reasonably a faith. Islam presently starts in early phases of humans’ lives. A kid is raised up having hatred and all types of negative ideas. which subsequently develops in his/her nucleus. Therefore. terrorist act is neer stoping ; in fact it improves by the yearss. At this clip. there is no manner around to stop terrorist act. but there are ways to do it less happening in the universe. Educating people. and young person on how terrorist act started. and how the universe perceives it as a negative act will assist them understand the construct of terrorist act. Besides through instruction. people will hold the demand to protect their state and support it. No 1 is willing to populate in a state that is controlled by terrorists. Neither will anyone be willing to restrict their ideas. look. instruction. freedom of worship. or personal determinations. In decision. Muslim extremists have attempted to enforce their spiritual beliefs on the universe. This happens through their violent onslaughts about in every western state. The lone method to halt this force is to let people to understand the true significance of Islam. This is to educate people about Islam and Muslim extremists in the early phases of life. It is besides indispensable to assist the state larn how the modern Muslims differ from those extremists. Through instruction. a solution can come into position on how we can stop these bloody violent folk. Even if it takes clip. months and old ages. it can still take a major affect on the long tally. MentionsBas. N. J. ( 2004 ) . Wahhabi Muslimism: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad. Oxford: Oxford University Press. USA. Bukha?ri? . M. I. ( 1981 ) . Shahih Bukhari. Jakarta: Penerbit Widjaya. Darwish. N. ( 2006 ) . Now they call me heathen: why I renounced jehad for America. Israel. and the War on Terror. New York. N. Y. : Sentinel. Jonas. G. ( 2007 ) . Contemplations on Islam: thoughts. sentiments. statements. Toronto: Key Porter Books. Katel. P. ( 2010 ) . HomegrownJihadists: can Muslim terrorists in the U. S. mount serious onslaughts? . Washington. DC: Congressional Quarterly. The Big Think Tank: A brief history of Islamic extremism. ( 2006. April 25 ) . The Big Think Tank. Retrieved April 6. 2011. from hypertext transfer protocol: //thebigthinktank. blogspot. com/2006/04/brief-history-of-islamic-extremism. hypertext markup language Quran Shariff. ( 1978 ) . S. l. : [ s. n. ] . Yuan. M. ( 2005 ) . Womans in Islam. Detroit: Greenhaven Press/Thomson-Gale. YouTube – 2 twelvemonth old Muslim Girl replies Questions on Islam. ( n. d. ) . YouTube – Broadcast Yourself. Retrieved April 20. 2011. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=8Tfh2PnvTnY A ; feature=related Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein. B. ( 2007. January 10 ) . Muslim Extremism and Terrorism in Bangladesh-American Jewish Committee. Home-American Judaic Committee. Retrieved April 7. 2011. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ajc. org/site/apps/nlnet/content3. aspx? c=ijITI2PHKoG A ; b=3133321 A ; ct=
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