Writing scholarship essays
Topics For A Argument Term Paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
Cultural Dimensions Essay
Culture is one of those terms that have no particular definition on account of its different nature. It very well may be taken a gander at according to any perspective. In any case, an essential definition that incorporates all the significant parts of a culture is ‘the coordinated example of human information, conviction, and conduct that relies on the limit with regards to learning and transmitting information to succeeding generations’ (Webster, 2008). Culture is significant on the off chance that one needs to consider a general public. It can inform a ton concerning various parts of the general public and this is the motivation behind why various nations manage issues in an unexpected way. This paper will plot and talk about the way of life of China, Saudi Arabia and United States of America and will show how, on account of contrasts in societies, issues like procedure, group correspondences, impact strategies, refereeing and so on are managed diversely in these nations. Towards the end, proposals to stay away from diverse contrasts will be laid out. US of America The number of inhabitants in United States of America is different. It has individuals from numerous foundations. Anyway when all is said in done, the American culture is supposed to be one of the most individualistic culture on the planet. This implies individuals are less incorporated in types of gatherings. They don't rely upon one another and are more worried about themselves than about others. The nation additionally has a higher than world normal score for manliness. This implies there is separation between sexual orientations somewhat in the American culture. Then again, the score in power separation measurement shows that there are relatively few contrasts in cultural levels. This can be seen in authoritative, family or legislative settings. Individuals expect that force will be disseminated similarly to a more noteworthy degree regardless of whether somebody is lower in the degree of order. Other than this, the score on vulnerability shirking is additionally lower than the world normal. This implies individuals are open minded to vulnerability and there are not many principles and guideline present to control results (Hofstede, 2003). One significant trademark about the work culture in United States is that difficult work and uprightness is valued and furthermore, timeliness is esteemed. Both mean and ladies are relied upon to dress as indicated by the environmental factors, circumstance and climate. The way of life doesn't advance or bolster blessing giving in business as it might be considered as pay off (International Business Center, 2003). As referenced above, in view of the way of life individualistic nature, security is esteemed. The way of life by and large is causal and casual. Americans have faith in voicing their assessments and in spite of the fact that this immediate talking is once in a while considered as inconsiderate in different societies, it is absolutely typical among Americans (American Graduate Education, 2007). From the above subtleties, we can inform a ton regarding how issues like technique, group interchanges, impact strategies and peace making get influenced. Since individuals trust in voicing their conclusions, the procedure is normally strong. Likewise, since any sort of methodology requires its entertainers to invest all the exertion they would possible be able to place in. Be it in an association, government or even in one’s individual life. The group correspondence is compelling a direct result of the low force separation trademark and casual nature of the American culture. The conviction that the force appropriated to everybody is equivalent and the casual nature in bunches hinders any sort of boundary in successful cooperation. Blessing giving or anything near pay off is viewed as extremely annoying and wrong along these lines this methodology isn't generally utilized in impact strategies. Peace promotion is typically done transparently without a mediator or an outsider (American Graduate Education, 2007). As referenced above, Americans have confidence in voicing their feelings so this assumes a significant job in peace making systems utilized across the country. So as to expel the correspondence hindrances, as I would see it, one would not need to change much about himself as a result of the nearness of a different societies in the populace. In any case, it is recommended that English is utilized to convey any sort of verbal data as this is comprehended and acknowledged by nearly everybody (American Graduate Education, 2007). With respect to, one is recommended to dress suitably thinking about the time, climate, event and social event. China Now we go to the Chinese culture. The way of life of the individuals of China is altogether different from the American culture just examined above and it is supposed to be the specific inverse of the America culture. Indeed, the Chinese culture is totally different, novel and unconventional on the off chance that one contrasts it and the remainder of the way of life on the planet. It is hard to comprehend for the individuals who are not a piece of it anyway one doesn't have to totally comprehend it before mixing in (Think Quest, 1998). We will presently investigate this in detail. We can demonstrate the above speculation right by contrasting the independence measurement of the American and Chinese societies. Not at all like the America culture, the individuals of china are extremely collectivistic. They are coordinated firmly, they care for one another and they are exceptionally reliable on the individuals around them. This can be found in their family structures and association esteems and so on. Both the Chinese and American societies are comparable with regards to the Masculinity measurement. The two of them score roughly 68 on a size of 1 to 100. This again is higher than the world normal which implies that there are marginally more contrasts between sexes in the Chinese culture contrasted with the remainder of the world. The vulnerability evasion is marginally higher than United States which means individuals are increasingly decent to not have total data as contrast with the American culture. The fourth element of Power Distance is likewise very higher than the United States implying that individuals anticipate more contrasts in hierarchical progressive systems. The American score on Power separation was 45 while the Chinese score is 85 consequently one can envision the measure of contrasts in the structures of associations, legislative organizations and families and so forth. One significant contrast is in the drawn out direction measurement of the two societies. While the American culture was more on the lower side of this measurement, the Chinese culture is known to have the most noteworthy positioning variable with regards to long haul direction. These implies that individuals will in general beat obstructions with time and not with will and quality (Hofstede, 2003). Some other significant subtleties of the Chinese culture incorporate being utilized to the socialist type of government. The Chinese culture is entirely friendly and acknowledges individuals from all foundations. Since there is nobody specific religion that is followed in the nation, anybody can alter effectively (International Business Center, 2003). All these social qualities to a great extent impact numerous issues in business. For example any system typically expects everybody to stay together and work aggregately in light of the collectivistic idea of the way of life and furthermore cooperation is compelling as individuals understand that they are reliant on one another. Be that as it may, on account of high force separation, both methodology and group correspondence is influenced. Correspondence inside group turns out to be increasingly broken as it must be gone through a few degrees of pecking order. The social qualities are imbedded in the he impact strategies. For instance these strategies venture the possibility of harmony as it is obvious from their notices that advance family ties and securities and so forth (Lin, 2001). The way to deal with peace promotion is including an outsider to settle issues. So as to evacuate the correspondence hindrances, a couple of things should be remembered. Right off the bat, it is proposed to not utilize a lot of hand developments as this diverts the crowd. Other than this, there are other non verbal motions that must be stayed away from. For example pointing finger might be viewed as discourteous in this manner such things must be remembered so as to guarantee powerful correspondence. English is seen broadly in the corporate world accordingly this is favored after Chinese obviously (International Business Center, 2003). Saudi Arabia Now we will begin conversation on the way of life of the last nation of the paper. This nation has additionally been chosen to be examined due to its extraordinary and special culture. The Chinese and Arabian Cultures are comparative in the force separation measurement of their societies. In contrast to the American Cultures, the powerful separation positioning demonstrates the disparity of riches all through the Arab world. Along these lines, the rich obviously have more influence than poor people. The vulnerability evasion measurement of the Arabian culture is additionally totally different from the Chinese and the American societies. While the Chinese and Americans positioned lower than world normal on the vulnerability evasion positioning, the Arabian culture has a higher score in this measurement. Implying that individuals don't endure vulnerability at all and this can be the motivation behind why there are such huge numbers of rules, arrangements and guidelines are executed in the nation. Astounding as it might sound, the Arabian culture scored low on the manliness measurement considering all the limitations on the Arabian ladies and so forth. The score was 52 which is just somewhat higher than the world normal. The explanation behind low manliness positioning could be that all the limitations on the ladies of the nation are a result of the religion and not the way of life. The Arabian culture, similar to the Chinese culture, is increasingly collectivistic. It had a normal positioning of 38 which is path lower than that of the American culture and furthermore the world normal so far as that is concerned. This implies individuals like to stay together and stay incorporated (Hofstede, 2003). The Arabic culture is to a great extent molded by its history and religion (Saudi Embassy, 2006). Subsequently history, religion and language are esteemed the most in the Arabian culture. These social characterist
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Inbound Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Inbound Logistics - Essay Example The purpose behind this is genuinely instinctive; if a producer is to create merchandise and material for dispersion, it must get the crude materials and different items important for creation and dissemination. Likewise, the administration of inbound items is integral to the hierarchical objectives in two clear manners: First, the acquisition of the materials and, second, the potential cost investment funds managed by a productive inbound gracefully chain framework. As the following area of this paper explicitly centers around the repercussions of neglecting to acquire materials for the assembling or dispersion process, a word about expenses is fitting here. As refered to for the situation study, a definitive plan to accomplish all out authority over inbound shipments would permit the retailer to squeeze out cost preferences from the flexibly chain (Chatur 5). A few parts of expanding proficiency inside the inbound coordinations side of SCM are talked about, one of which is the util ization of an outsider coordinations organization, or 3PL, to deal with that piece of the flexibly chain. Truth be told, the possibility of a community oriented condition inside a huge flexibly chain is an extremely mainstream idea. Coordinations unions - formal or casual connections among organizations and coordinations suppliers - are quickly emerging...[where organizations center around their center capabilities and re-appropriate different exercises to organizations that are more practical (Laarhoven, et al. 188). Along these lines, overseeing inbound coordinations is sufficiently significant to organizations that they are happy to redistribute the whole procedure so as to set aside cash. Q2: What is the connection among activities and buying, and how can it in a perfect world influence the administration of inbound coordinations Operations is the procedure whereby a producer makes its item, however buying and acquisition are what permit tasks to carry out its responsibility. Likewise, the relationship is a needy one where, if buying doesn't carry out its responsibility well, tasks can be closed down. Normally, if acquirement isn't proficient and superfluously cost serious, the whole organization is compromised. The cost efficiencies identified with inbound coordinations, be that as it may, are not as possibly crushing as the disappointment of buying to guarantee a satisfactory gracefully of material for the procedure. Consider the way that if obtainment doesn't play out, a few producers would need to stop activities until the provisions were gotten. This can be undeniably more costly than conveying excessively much stock. As the contextual analysis brings up, ...the shutdown of enormous petrochemical plants may cost as much as $500K to $1M day by day - undeniably more than the expense of additional container vehicles used to store item (Chatur 4). Thus lies the problem for inbound coordinations; adjusting the need to have enough material without having an excess of material and the need to consistently have material. As far as its consequences for overseeing inbound coordinations, the effect is clear. Numerous associations utilize without a moment to spare (JIT) stock strategies to keep away from overload and the expense of conveying an excessive amount of stock. This procedure is more costly than customary strategies because of a higher transportation cost structure, yet
Monday, July 20, 2020
pony express
pony express pony express, in U.S. history, relay mail service. At its inception in Apr., 1860, the pony express operated between St. Joseph, Mo., the western end of a telegraph line, and Sacramento, Calif. Riders carried the mail a distance of nearly 2,000 mi (3,200 km) in about eight days, often traveling through hostile Native American territory. Stations where the riders changed horses were roughly 10 to 15 mi (16â€"24.1 km) apart. After a rider had covered a certain distance, the mail was turned over to another rider; this continued until the destination was reached. The pony express was operated by the freighting firm of Russell, Majors, and Waddell. As a business venture, it was unsuccessful. Before the pony express, letters to and from California had been carried by ships, wagon trains, and stagecoaches and had required much more time for the journey. The first telegram to San Francisco was transmitted Oct. 24, 1861, and the pony express was then gradually discontinued. Its existence wa s brief but picturesque, and the pony express lives in legend as well as in history. In 1992 the Pony Express National Historic Trail, which covers the entire route followed by pony express riders, was designated part of the National Trails System (see National Parks and Monuments (table)). See L. R. Hafen, The Overland Mail (1926); A. Chapman, The Pony Express (1932, repr. 1971); R. W. Settle and M. A. L. Settle, Saddles and Spurs (1955, repr. 1972); G. D. Bradley, Story of the Pony Express (2d ed. 1960); M. Mattes and P. Henderson, The Pony Express from St. Joseph to Fort Laramie (1989). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Symptoms And Treatment Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The major depressive disorder that I chose for my final paper is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or more commonly known as PSTD. This is a very complex disorder and effects men, women, and children alike. Most people associate PSTD with servicemen or women returning from defending our country. However, statistics show these people do experience PTSD, they are not the only people this disorder effects. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a reaction a person has after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic, life changing event. This a relatively new disorder to psychologists, along with the causes and treatment plan. Due to the external trauma a person has experienced, PTSD is very complex and unique, making it a very different disorder to study and treat. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder involves a series of symptoms that develop from intensely fearful, horrific, and uncontrolled trauma where the person felt like their life was in danger, they were injured or they felt they would be injured, or they witnesses a death or injury to others. Although the majority of the population will be) affected by trauma at some point in their life, the impact of these experiences will vary from person to person, due to a person’s family characteristics, environment, and available formal and informal resources accessed. According to the DSM-5, the symptoms include: a) re-experiencing the traumatic event through intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and psychological responsesShow MoreRelatedPost-traumatic Stress Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment1612 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Statement of Thesis Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious condition and one that is challenging in terms of identifying the disorder and effectively coping with this disorder. Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that the individual develops following a terrifying ordeal that involved physical harm or the threat of physical harm. The person who develops PTSD may have been the one who was harmed, the harm may have happened toRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1189 Words  | 5 Pagesbattle fatigue, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has been around since the history of stressful events themselves. First discovered in the 1600’s as nostalgia, it was usually left untreated as it was seen as a sign of weakness in men. In the early years of diagnosis’s, PTSD was most commonly present in soldiers due to their always present high stress situations. PTSD is a mental illness caused by traumatizing events or series of events. As defined by healthline.com, a traumatic event is â€Å"an incidentRead MoreSymptoms And Treatments Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder2995 Words  | 12 PagesAdam Baggs Mrs. Guzzo ENG3UI Monday, October 20, 2014 CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, AND TREATMENTS OF POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER IN RELATION TO HOLDEN CAUFIELD INTRODUCTION Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can affect any person who experiences a traumatic event throughout their life. Experiencing death at a young age and lack of parental support through a hard time can lead a young adult to develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.). In the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, When Holden’sRead More Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Treatment Essay1416 Words  | 6 PagesIn 1980, the term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) first came into existence in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-III). Only in 1987 did the DSM series make reference to traumatized children. The first major studies of the effects of large traumas on children were Blochs 1956 study of the effect of a tornado in Mississippi, Laceys 1972 study of the effects of an avalanche on a Welsh school, Newmans 1976 work on the Buffalo Creek disaster and TerrsRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Implications Of Drugs An d Post Traumatic Stress Disorder2076 Words  | 9 Pagesï ¶ Effects and Treatment implications: 1) Cannabis and post-traumatic stress disorder: Effects: The adjacent effects of taking cannabis include rapid heartbeat, bewilderment, and lack of physical coordination, often followed by depression or drowsiness. On the other hand Post-traumatic stress disorder causes short-term memory loss and can have long-term chronic psychological repercussions. Treatment implications: The most commonly accessed methods of treatment in New Zealand for cannabis are 12-stepRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1494 Words  | 6 PagesCauses and Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Post-Traumatic stress disorder has affected humans probably as long as we have had a higher consciousness, but it is only recently that researchers, medical professionals and psychotherapists have had much understanding into its nature and treatment. Although this disorder may be easy to describe, the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder negatively affect a person’s mental health, physical health, work andRead MorePost-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Or As Many Know By The1669 Words  | 7 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or as many know by the abbreviation PTSD, is a complex mental issue that affects several every day. People that know of post-traumatic stress disorder tend to connect it to military personnel. In recent years, PTSD has been diagnosed in people who have endured other types of high-stress experiences as well (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)). In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) added PTSD to the third edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical ManualRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Syndrome Essay1722 Words  | 7 Pages There are numerous different mental disorders that people are diagnosed with on an everyday basis. Some mental disorders are genetic, but yet other disorders come from the things that people encounter in life. One mental disorder that is being diagnosed more often every day is called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. This is a disorder that does not discriminate based on genetics, race, age, or even sex. This mental disorder occurs due to events in a person’s life. As everyone knows it is naturalRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1453 Words  | 6 Pages84.8% of those diagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder still show moderate impairment of symptoms, even 30 plus years after the war (Glover 2014). As of today, the Unites States has 2.8 million veterans who served in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, of those it is estimated that 11 to 20% currently suffer from Pos t-Traumatic Stress Disorder. As of 2013, a total of 12,632 veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are currently diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Glover 2014). Of course itRead MorePost-Traumatic Stress Disorder1496 Words  | 6 Pages Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychological reaction to experiencing or witnessing a significantly stressful, traumatic, or shocking event. Did you know that one in three returning troops are being diagnosed with Post-traumatic stress disorder and less than 40% will seek help (PTSD Foundation of America). When people think of PTSD they automatically assume it just has to do with war veterans. But what people dont know is that children and teens all over the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Federalism Creates Both Advantages and Disadvantages for...
The growing rate of poverty in most regions; the systemic graft and corruption in government; the strident cry for cultural recognition; and the instability of political systems are just some of the troubles the country is beset and endured. With these lots of problems, federalism is viewed by many as the only hope for a country. It has grown in popularity over the past century, which is largely due to its particular successes throughout the world. However, federalism is not without any defect. This essay will briefly outline the definition of federalism which followed by an detail analysis of both advantages and disadvantages of federalism as well as the impact on business. The term federalism is used to describe a system of the†¦show more content†¦Besides, overlapping jurisdictions and redundancy increase the opportunities for delay and obstruction. The likelihood of deadlock for system level policymaking increases with the multiplication of veto points in government.(Joel, 1992:141). When compared to unitary systems, the existence in federations of state or regional constitutions, for example, may be seen as barriers rather than bulwarks to government responsiveness and accountability. This thesis is given wide play in the recent literature, including Cordon Brown who addresses overlap, entanglement, duplication, and redundancy in federal Canada(Gordon, 1994:21-37),Jean-Luc Migu(1997,235-254), who writes also of those in Canada who endlessly complain about the outrageous waste resulting from the duplication of functions in federal states;38 and Beryle Radin and Barbara Romzek(1996:59) who contend that the increase in intergovernmental and in terorganizational relationships is among the most vexing of the complicating factors in the accountability world. Furthermore, business peak bodies have valid concerns in that heavy-handed regulation whichShow MoreRelatedFederalism, An Effective Form Of Government Essay1286 Words  | 6 Pages2016 1289 Federalism, an Effective Form of Government The United States of America is commonly known as a democracy and when asked most people could easily define what a democracy is. America is also rooted in the principle of federalism. It’s reasonable to assume that far less people could offer up a definition of federalism as easily as we could for democracy even though its arguable that federalism is a key component of the United States government. Simply put, the principle of federalism is theRead MoreUniversity of Southease Essay1413 Words  | 6 Pages(who were the end users of the system) while taking decisions regarding investments , applications to be developed, IT architecture and infrastructure (Saunders, 2013).  · Among many colleges under the university only The College of Business Administration was provided with its own server and Technology Support Department (TSD) (Saunders, 2013).  · According to survey the faculty at the university were satisfies with the services provided by the Technology Support DepartmentRead MoreThe Canada Health Act : The Overarching Legislation For Canada s National Medicare Program3398 Words  | 14 PagesDefend your position. In Canada, there appears to be a publicly funded health care system whose main role is to help create healthier communities. 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On May 25,1787 the Constitutional Convention opens for business with George Washington, elected president of the body. The framers wanted to create a system that would be durable and withstand the test of time. Which is a tremendous strength, the durability of our constitution, our constitution was designed to have scalability so that it can be appliedRead MoreCivics Eoc Study Guide3283 Words  | 14 Pagesperson or a small group of people who make all decisions. c. Federal – the sharing of power between the central and state governments. d. Confederation – a group of individuals or state governments. e. Parliamentary – a system of government in which both executive and legislative function reside in an elected assembly. 3) Foundations of Democracy a. Individual worth b. Equality c. Majority rule and majority rights d. Necessity of compromise e. Individual freedom 4) Traditions of democracy in the USRead MoreThe Effect of Eu Integration on the Business Environment of Member Countries4077 Words  | 17 Pagesin many ways serves as a model of integration that has so far has not been successfully replicated. Being part of the EU has many advantages and disadvantages for countries. The advantages include access to SEM; funds that aid in infrastructure building; and world representation by a larger entity that has more power than a small country alone. Among the disadvantages however, is having to give up a degree of sovereignty that sometimes impedes a country from making decisions outside of the EU. InRead MoreRegional Integration : Advantages And Disadvantages3234 Words  | 13 PagesThe aim of this essay is to critically analyse regional integration, demonstrating advantages, disadvantages and the effect it has on member states involved. Furthermore this essay will explain FTAs in further detail with examples. Nontraditional gains from regional integration such as, insurance, bargaining power and security shall also be highlighted as advantages and disadvantages. Regional integration is the process by which two or more nation-states agree to work together and co-operate to reachRead MoreThe Exclusion Of E Commerce3835 Words  | 16 Pagesthe GRST base to roughly 40-60% of personal consumption. Due to the risk of cascading or pyramiding the tax over multiple stages of production, firms are artificially incentivized to vertically integrate to avoid taxable transactions from inter-business purchases. Although the GRST is based on the destination principle of taxation at the location of consumption, the sales tax for purchases intended to be consumed within the state of purchase is collected by vendors. However, the main incidenceRead More Political Parties in the United States Essay2450 Words  | 10 Pages300 state legislators elected were neither Republicans nor Democrats. It is the two major parties that organize the government at both the national and state levels. Although American parties tend to be less ideologically cohesive and programmatic than parties in many democracies, they do play a major role in shaping public policy. Indeed, since the 1994 elections, both congressional Republicans and Democrats have demonstrated sharp policy differences and an unusually high level of intraparty unity
Angels Demons Chapter 9-12 Free Essays
9 The corpse on the floor before Langdon was hideous. The late Leonardo Vetra lay on his back, stripped naked, his skin bluish-gray. His neck bones were jutting out where they had been broken, and his head was twisted completely backward, pointing the wrong way. We will write a custom essay sample on Angels Demons Chapter 9-12 or any similar topic only for you Order Now His face was out of view, pressed against the floor. The man lay in a frozen puddle of his own urine, the hair around his shriveled genitals spidered with frost. Fighting a wave of nausea, Langdon let his eyes fall to the victim’s chest. Although Langdon had stared at the symmetrical wound a dozen times on the fax, the burn was infinitely more commanding in real life. The raised, broiled flesh was perfectly delineated†¦ the symbol flawlessly formed. Langdon wondered if the intense chill now raking through his body was the air-conditioning or his utter amazement with the significance of what he was now staring at. Angels Demons His heart pounded as he circled the body, reading the word upside down, reaffirming the genius of the symmetry. The symbol seemed even less conceivable now that he was staring at it. â€Å"Mr. Langdon?†Langdon did not hear. He was in another world†¦ his world, his element, a world where history, myth, and fact collided, flooding his senses. The gears turned. â€Å"Mr. Langdon?†Kohler’s eyes probed expectantly. Langdon did not look up. His disposition now intensified, his focus total. â€Å"How much do you already know?†â€Å"Only what I had time to read on your website. The word Illuminati means ‘the enlightened ones.’ It is the name of some sort of ancient brotherhood.†Langdon nodded. â€Å"Had you heard the name before?†â€Å"Not until I saw it branded on Mr. Vetra.†â€Å"So you ran a web search for it?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"And the word returned hundreds of references, no doubt.†â€Å"Thousands,†Kohler said. â€Å"Yours, however, contained references to Harvard, Oxford, a reputable publisher, as well as a list of related publications. As a scientist I have come to learn that information is only as valuable as its source. Your credentials seemed authentic.†Langdon’s eyes were still riveted on the body. Kohler said nothing more. He simply stared, apparently waiting for Langdon to shed some light on the scene before them. Langdon looked up, glancing around the frozen flat. â€Å"Perhaps we should discuss this in a warmer place?†â€Å"This room is fine.†Kohler seemed oblivious to the cold. â€Å"We’ll talk here.†Langdon frowned. The Illuminati history was by no means a simple one. I’ll freeze to death trying to explain it. He gazed again at the brand, feeling a renewed sense of awe. Although accounts of the Illuminati emblem were legendary in modern symbology, no academic had ever actually seen it. Ancient documents described the symbol as an ambigram – ambi meaning â€Å"both†– signifying it was legible both ways. And although ambigrams were common in symbology – swastikas, yin yang, Jewish stars, simple crosses – the idea that a word could be crafted into an ambigram seemed utterly impossible. Modern symbologists had tried for years to forge the word â€Å"Illuminati†into a perfectly symmetrical style, but they had failed miserably. Most academics had now decided the symbol’s existence was a myth. â€Å"So who are the Illuminati?†Kohler demanded. Yes, Langdon thought, who indeed? He began his tale. â€Å"Since the beginning of history,†Langdon explained, â€Å"a deep rift has existed between science and religion. Outspoken scientists like Copernicus – â€Å" â€Å"Were murdered,†Kohler interjected. â€Å"Murdered by the church for revealing scientific truths. Religion has always persecuted science.†â€Å"Yes. But in the 1500s, a group of men in Rome fought back against the church. Some of Italy’s most enlightened men – physicists, mathematicians, astronomers – began meeting secretly to share their concerns about the church’s inaccurate teachings. They feared that the church’s monopoly on ‘truth’ threatened academic enlightenment around the world. They founded the world’s first scientific think tank, calling themselves ‘the enlightened ones.’ â€Å" â€Å"The Illuminati.†â€Å"Yes,†Langdon said. â€Å"Europe’s most learned minds†¦ dedicated to the quest for scientific truth.†Kohler fell silent. â€Å"Of course, the Illuminati were hunted ruthlessly by the Catholic Church. Only through rites of extreme secrecy did the scientists remain safe. Word spread through the academic underground, and the Illuminati brotherhood grew to include academics from all over Europe. The scientists met regularly in Rome at an ultrasecret lair they called the Church of Illumination.†Kohler coughed and shifted in his chair. â€Å"Many of the Illuminati,†Langdon continued, â€Å"wanted to combat the church’s tyranny with acts of violence, but their most revered member persuaded them against it. He was a pacifist, as well as one of history’s most famous scientists.†Langdon was certain Kohler would recognize the name. Even nonscientists were familiar with the ill-fated astronomer who had been arrested and almost executed by the church for proclaiming that the sun, and not the earth, was the center of the solar system. Although his data were incontrovertible, the astronomer was severely punished for implying that God had placed mankind somewhere other than at the center of His universe. â€Å"His name was Galileo Galilei,†Langdon said. Kohler looked up. â€Å"Galileo?†â€Å"Yes. Galileo was an Illuminatus. And he was also a devout Catholic. He tried to soften the church’s position on science by proclaiming that science did not undermine the existence of God, but rather reinforced it. He wrote once that when he looked through his telescope at the spinning planets, he could hear God’s voice in the music of the spheres. He held that science and religion were not enemies, but rather allies – two different languages telling the same story, a story of symmetry and balance†¦ heaven and hell, night and day, hot and cold, God and Satan. Both science and religion rejoiced in God’s symmetry†¦ the endless contest of light and dark.†Langdon paused, stamping his feet to stay warm. Kohler simply sat in his wheelchair and stared. â€Å"Unfortunately,†Langdon added, â€Å"the unification of science and religion was not what the church wanted.†â€Å"Of course not,†Kohler interrupted. â€Å"The union would have nullified the church’s claim as the sole vessel through which man could understand God. So the church tried Galileo as a heretic, found him guilty, and put him under permanent house arrest. I am quite aware of scientific history, Mr. Langdon. But this was all centuries ago. What does it have to do with Leonardo Vetra?†The million dollar question. Langdon cut to the chase. â€Å"Galileo’s arrest threw the Illuminati into upheaval. Mistakes were made, and the church discovered the identities of four members, whom they captured and interrogated. But the four scientists revealed nothing†¦ even under torture.†â€Å"Torture?†Langdon nodded. â€Å"They were branded alive. On the chest. With the symbol of a cross.†Kohler’s eyes widened, and he shot an uneasy glance at Vetra’s body. â€Å"Then the scientists were brutally murdered, their dead bodies dropped in the streets of Rome as a warning to others thinking of joining the Illuminati. With the church closing in, the remaining Illuminati fled Italy.†Langdon paused to make his point. He looked directly into Kohler’s dead eyes. â€Å"The Illuminati went deep underground, where they began mixing with other refugee groups fleeing the Catholic purges – mystics, alchemists, occultists, Muslims, Jews. Over the years, the Illuminati began absorbing new members. A new Illuminati emerged. A darker Illuminati. A deeply anti-Christian Illuminati. They grew very powerful, employing mysterious rites, deadly secrecy, vowing someday to rise again and take revenge on the Catholic Church. Their power grew to the point where the church considered them the single most dangerous anti-Christian force on earth. The Vatican denounced the brotherhood as Shaitan.†â€Å"Shaitan?†â€Å"It’s Islamic. It means ‘adversary’†¦ God’s adversary. The church chose Islam for the name because it was a language they considered dirty.†Langdon hesitated. â€Å"Shaitan is the root of an English word†¦Satan.†An uneasiness crossed Kohler’s face. Langdon’s voice was grim. â€Å"Mr. Kohler, I do not know how this marking appeared on this man’s chest†¦ or why†¦ but you are looking at the long-lost symbol of the world’s oldest and most powerful satanic cult.†10 The alley was narrow and deserted. The Hassassin strode quickly now, his black eyes filling with anticipation. As he approached his destination, Janus’s parting words echoed in his mind. Phase two begins shortly. Get some rest. The Hassassin smirked. He had been awake all night, but sleep was the last thing on his mind. Sleep was for the weak. He was a warrior like his ancestors before him, and his people never slept once a battle had begun. This battle had most definitely begun, and he had been given the honor of spilling first blood. Now he had two hours to celebrate his glory before going back to work. Sleep? There are far better ways to relax†¦ An appetite for hedonistic pleasure was something bred into him by his ancestors. His ascendants had indulged in hashish, but he preferred a different kind of gratification. He took pride in his body – a well-tuned, lethal machine, which, despite his heritage, he refused to pollute with narcotics. He had developed a more nourishing addiction than drugs†¦ a far more healthy and satisfying reward. Feeling a familiar anticipation swelling within him, the Hassassin moved faster down the alley. He arrived at the nondescript door and rang the bell. A view slit in the door opened, and two soft brown eyes studied him appraisingly. Then the door swung open. â€Å"Welcome,†the well-dressed woman said. She ushered him into an impeccably furnished sitting room where the lights were low. The air was laced with expensive perfume and musk. â€Å"Whenever you are ready.†She handed him a book of photographs. â€Å"Ring me when you have made your choice.†Then she disappeared. The Hassassin smiled. As he sat on the plush divan and positioned the photo album on his lap, he felt a carnal hunger stir. Although his people did not celebrate Christmas, he imagined that this is what it must feel like to be a Christian child, sitting before a stack of Christmas presents, about to discover the miracles inside. He opened the album and examined the photos. A lifetime of sexual fantasies stared back at him. Marisa. An Italian goddess. Fiery. A young Sophia Loren. Sachiko. A Japanese geisha. Lithe. No doubt skilled. Kanara. A stunning black vision. Muscular. Exotic. He examined the entire album twice and made his choice. He pressed a button on the table beside him. A minute later the woman who had greeted him reappeared. He indicated his selection. She smiled. â€Å"Follow me.†After handling the financial arrangements, the woman made a hushed phone call. She waited a few minutes and then led him up a winding marble staircase to a luxurious hallway. â€Å"It’s the gold door on the end,†she said. â€Å"You have expensive taste.†I should, he thought. I am a connoisseur. The Hassassin padded the length of the hallway like a panther anticipating a long overdue meal. When he reached the doorway he smiled to himself. It was already ajar†¦ welcoming him in. He pushed, and the door swung noiselessly open. When he saw his selection, he knew he had chosen well. She was exactly as he had requested†¦ nude, lying on her back, her arms tied to the bedposts with thick velvet cords. He crossed the room and ran a dark finger across her ivory abdomen. I killed last night, he thought. You are my reward. 11 â€Å"Satanic?†Kohler wiped his mouth and shifted uncomfortably. â€Å"This is the symbol of a satanic cult?†Langdon paced the frozen room to keep warm. â€Å"The Illuminati were satanic. But not in the modern sense.†Langdon quickly explained how most people pictured satanic cults as devil-worshiping fiends, and yet Satanists historically were educated men who stood as adversaries to the church. Shaitan. The rumors of satanic black-magic animal sacrifices and the pentagram ritual were nothing but lies spread by the church as a smear campaign against their adversaries. Over time, opponents of the church, wanting to emulate the Illuminati, began believing the lies and acting them out. Thus, modern Satanism was born. Kohler grunted abruptly. â€Å"This is all ancient history. I want to know how this symbol got here.†Langdon took a deep breath. â€Å"The symbol itself was created by an anonymous sixteenth-century Illuminati artist as a tribute to Galileo’s love of symmetry – a kind of sacred Illuminati logo. The brotherhood kept the design secret, allegedly planning to reveal it only when they had amassed enough power to resurface and carry out their final goal.†Kohler looked unsettled. â€Å"So this symbol means the Illuminati brotherhood is resurfacing?†Langdon frowned. â€Å"That would be impossible. There is one chapter of Illuminati history that I have not yet explained.†Kohler’s voice intensified. â€Å"Enlighten me.†Langdon rubbed his palms together, mentally sorting through the hundreds of documents he’d read or written on the Illuminati. â€Å"The Illuminati were survivors,†he explained. â€Å"When they fled Rome, they traveled across Europe looking for a safe place to regroup. They were taken in by another secret society†¦ a brotherhood of wealthy Bavarian stone craftsmen called the Freemasons.†Kohler looked startled. â€Å"The Masons?†Langdon nodded, not at all surprised that Kohler had heard of the group. The brotherhood of the Masons currently had over five million members worldwide, half of them residing in the United States, and over one million of them in Europe. â€Å"Certainly the Masons are not satanic,†Kohler declared, sounding suddenly skeptical. â€Å"Absolutely not. The Masons fell victim of their own benevolence. After harboring the fleeing scientists in the 1700s, the Masons unknowingly became a front for the Illuminati. The Illuminati grew within their ranks, gradually taking over positions of power within the lodges. They quietly reestablished their scientific brotherhood deep within the Masons – a kind of secret society within a secret society. Then the Illuminati used the worldwide connection of Masonic lodges to spread their influence.†Langdon drew a cold breath before racing on. â€Å"Obliteration of Catholicism was the Illuminati’s central covenant. The brotherhood held that the superstitious dogma spewed forth by the church was mankind’s greatest enemy. They feared that if religion continued to promote pious myth as absolute fact, scientific progress would halt, and mankind would be doomed to an ignorant future of senseless holy wars.†â€Å"Much like we see today.†Langdon frowned. Kohler was right. Holy wars were still making headlines. My God is better than your God. It seemed there was always close correlation between true believers and high body counts. â€Å"Go on,†Kohler said. Langdon gathered his thoughts and continued. â€Å"The Illuminati grew more powerful in Europe and set their sights on America, a fledgling government many of whose leaders were Masons – George Washington, Ben Franklin – honest, God-fearing men who were unaware of the Illuminati stronghold on the Masons. The Illuminati took advantage of the infiltration and helped found banks, universities, and industry to finance their ultimate quest.†Langdon paused. â€Å"The creation of a single unified world state – a kind of secular New World Order.†Kohler did not move. â€Å"A New World Order,†Langdon repeated, â€Å"based on scientific enlightenment. They called it their Luciferian Doctrine. The church claimed Lucifer was a reference to the devil, but the brotherhood insisted Lucifer was intended in its literal Latin meaning – bringer of light. Or Illuminator.†Kohler sighed, and his voice grew suddenly solemn. â€Å"Mr. Langdon, please sit down.†Langdon sat tentatively on a frost-covered chair. Kohler moved his wheelchair closer. â€Å"I am not sure I understand everything you have just told me, but I do understand this. Leonardo Vetra was one of CERN’s greatest assets. He was also a friend. I need you to help me locate the Illuminati.†Langdon didn’t know how to respond. â€Å"Locate the Illuminati?†He’s kidding, right? â€Å"I’m afraid, sir, that will be utterly impossible.†Kohler’s brow creased. â€Å"What do you mean? You won’t – â€Å" â€Å"Mr. Kohler.†Langdon leaned toward his host, uncertain how to make him understand what he was about to say. â€Å"I did not finish my story. Despite appearances, it is extremely unlikely that this brand was put here by the Illuminati. There has been no evidence of their existence for over half a century, and most scholars agree the Illuminati have been defunct for many years.†The words hit silence. Kohler stared through the fog with a look somewhere between stupefaction and anger. â€Å"How the hell can you tell me this group is extinct when their name is seared into this man!†Langdon had been asking himself that question all morning. The appearance of the Illuminati ambigram was astonishing. Symbologists worldwide would be dazzled. And yet, the academic in Langdon understood that the brand’s reemergence proved absolutely nothing about the Illuminati. â€Å"Symbols,†Langdon said, â€Å"in no way confirm the presence of their original creators.†â€Å"What is that supposed to mean?†â€Å"It means that when organized philosophies like the Illuminati go out of existence, their symbols remain†¦ available for adoption by other groups. It’s called transference. It’s very common in symbology. The Nazis took the swastika from the Hindus, the Christians adopted the cruciform from the Egyptians, the – â€Å" â€Å"This morning,†Kohler challenged, â€Å"when I typed the word ‘Illuminati’ into the computer, it returned thousands of current references. Apparently a lot of people think this group is still active.†â€Å"Conspiracy buffs,†Langdon replied. He had always been annoyed by the plethora of conspiracy theories that circulated in modern pop culture. The media craved apocalyptic headlines, and self-proclaimed â€Å"cult specialists†were still cashing in on millennium hype with fabricated stories that the Illuminati were alive and well and organizing their New World Order. Recently the New York Times had reported the eerie Masonic ties of countless famous men – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the Duke of Kent, Peter Sellers, Irving Berlin, Prince Philip, Louis Armstrong, as well as a pantheon of well-known modern-day industrialists and banking magnates. Kohler pointed angrily at Vetra’s body. â€Å"Considering the evidence, I would say perhaps the conspiracy buffs are correct.†â€Å"I realize how it appears,†Langdon said as diplomatically as he could. â€Å"And yet a far more plausible explanation is that some other organization has taken control of the Illuminati brand and is using it for their own purposes.†â€Å"What purposes? What does this murder prove?†Good question, Langdon thought. He also was having trouble imagining where anyone could have turned up the Illuminati brand after 400 years. â€Å"All I can tell you is that even if the Illuminati were still active today, which I am virtually positive they are not, they would never be involved in Leonardo Vetra’s death.†â€Å"No?†â€Å"No. The Illuminati may have believed in the abolition of Christianity, but they wielded their power through political and financial means, not through terrorists acts. Furthermore, the Illuminati had a strict code of morality regarding who they saw as enemies. They held men of science in the highest regard. There is no way they would have murdered a fellow scientist like Leonardo Vetra.†Kohler’s eyes turned to ice. â€Å"Perhaps I failed to mention that Leonardo Vetra was anything but an ordinary scientist.†Langdon exhaled patiently. â€Å"Mr. Kohler, I’m sure Leonardo Vetra was brilliant in many ways, but the fact remains – â€Å" Without warning, Kohler spun in his wheelchair and accelerated out of the living room, leaving a wake of swirling mist as he disappeared down a hallway. For the love of God, Langdon groaned. He followed. Kohler was waiting for him in a small alcove at the end of the hallway. â€Å"This is Leonardo’s study,†Kohler said, motioning to the sliding door. â€Å"Perhaps when you see it you’ll understand things differently.†With an awkward grunt, Kohler heaved, and the door slid open. Langdon peered into the study and immediately felt his skin crawl. Holy mother of Jesus, he said to himself. 12 In another country, a young guard sat patiently before an expansive bank of video monitors. He watched as images flashed before him – live feeds from hundreds of wireless video cameras that surveyed the sprawling complex. The images went by in an endless procession. An ornate hallway. A private office. An industrial-size kitchen. As the pictures went by, the guard fought off a daydream. He was nearing the end of his shift, and yet he was still vigilant. Service was an honor. Someday he would be granted his ultimate reward. As his thoughts drifted, an image before him registered alarm. Suddenly, with a reflexive jerk that startled even himself, his hand shot out and hit a button on the control panel. The picture before him froze. His nerves tingling, he leaned toward the screen for a closer look. The reading on the monitor told him the image was being transmitted from camera #86 – a camera that was supposed to be overlooking a hallway. But the image before him was most definitely not a hallway. How to cite Angels Demons Chapter 9-12, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Florida Everglades
Introduction The Florida Everglades is one of the last bastions of nature left in the U.S. where human progress has pushed plants and animals alike to the fringes of human civilization. It is the largest of the remaining subtropical environments left within the country consisting of 10,000 tiny islands, various rivers, lakes, streams, prairies, forests as well as a plethora of plant and animal life. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Florida Everglades specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It can be said that the Everglades is a type of microcosm of the various environments seen around the world due to the varied environments contained within a location that is roughly 1.5 million acres in size. Based on current studies, the Everglades at any given time is home to up to 150 species of trees, 40 species of various mammals, various reptiles and amphibians as well as a host of innumerable insect life. Unfortunately due to human habitation the Everglades and its surrounding areas have been adversely affected resulting in its slow deterioration. Previous studies examining the Everglades reveal that originally the Everglades covered 1/3 of Florida’s land mass and its main river was 110 miles long. Presently the Everglades only covers an area of roughly 1.5 million acres and the river is only 70 miles long. With human development came an encroachment into the natural ecosystem of the area resulting in water, that normally went into replenishing the various rivers and tributaries in the Everglades, being diverted to various farms and urban cities resulting in a slow decline of the Everglades since the 1980. Plant and Animal Species in the Everglades As mentioned earlier, the Everglades has a plethora of different animal and plant species, for the purposes of this paper though it would not be feasible to describe every single one of them as such what will be focused on will be the most notable and well known species of animal and plant life in the area. One of the most notable and widely considered to be symbolic of the Florida Everglades is the American Alligator. At 16 feet long (or longer), it is the largest reptile in North America and one of the most common sights within the Everglades itself. Considered the top predator in the area the American Alligator is usually seen in the news as being involved in various cases of human death but it is usually due to intrusions into their territory that causes such incidents to happen. Another large species of reptile found in the Everglades is the American Crocodile, smaller and far more secretive that its cousin the American Alligator, crocodiles are usually found in the Flamingo area of the Everglades national park. Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is speculated that their ability to coexist with alligators is due to the fact that they rarely directly compete against alligators and are in a more isolated area as compared to alligators that are more spread out. Aside from reptiles the bird population in the Everglades is one of the largest in North America with various species existing in the low lying marshland areas. Birds in the area (at 350 species and counting) usually act as a method control for the vast insect population within the Everglades however as a result of human encroachment more low lying areas are being drained resulting in decline in the bird population. Unfortunately such a result has encouraged a boom in the insect population which presents itself as a definite health hazard due to potential for the spread of disease through flies. While there are numerous plant species within the Everglades the most prolific is Saw grass, it is a type of grass that belongs to the sedge family and is one of the most common types of grass seen within the area. It adaptive characterist ic is the fact that the grass itself is actually quite hard and sharp which has been noted as being able to cut through certain types of clothing. Various speculations as to how this form of adaptation came to be range from it growing in this manner due to the inherent natural climate or as a method to prevent its consumption by various animal species. Environmental challenges As mentioned earlier one of the challenges currently facing the Everglades is continued human expansion which threatens to drain the Everglades of all its vital water. On average a single city within the U.S. consumers several million gallons a day in order to maintain a population of millions. Within Miami, one of the largest cities in the U.S., being an hour’s drive away from the Everglades this means that the city directly sources its water from various man made canals and tributaries that feed off the main rivers within the area. Combined with the various home owned and corporate farms within the a rea this results in the draining of millions of gallons a day, faster than the river can replenish itself with. The result is slow deterioration of the marshlands which continued to shrink the Everglades year. It has been estimated that if nothing is done within the immediate future the Everglades will disappear by 2035 or 2050 as continued human expansion and consumption shrinks the natural resources available within the immediate area.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Florida Everglades specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on The Florida Everglades was written and submitted by user Kameron C. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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